Sunday 29 April 2018

A Quick Summer and Dora The Explorer

Yes we have had Summer.  After the freezing and long Winter, it suddenly got up to 25c.  We vowed not to say "Its Too Hot", and merrily got sunburn as we revealed white/blue legs and shoulders. Sadly we scared the sun away and its back to 5c and raining for England!  Not to mention those north easterly winds we had missed (NOT) so much. Oh hum....we gave in today and put the horses back in macs. I am actually wearing my winter coat again as well, AND moaning about how cold it is!!

BUT there are still shows to prepare for, and ponies to work.  So despite the cold we have been working the ponies.  Daisy, who was tripping over her feet, has had her toes shortened, and is slightly lame, so has had (more) time off. Charlie and Dora are being Worked mostly.  I,m having doubts about the clicker training.  Although I used it to great success in the heat, managing to get Charlie to accept a hose pipe with running water, over his chest and back, he has taken to nudging me in the belly for treats, even (or especially) when we are not clicker training. The boy is sharp....and has the attention span of a gnat.
He has also moved into the mouthing stage, wanting to hold everything in his mouth.  He has realised his strength and is trying to use it.  So clicker training is going on hold, while we go back to old fashioned discipline. There are so many horse trainers out there at the moment, with different methods its too easy to get caught up in something and get confused.  If I am confused the horse is going to be even more confused, so at the moment I am closing my ears to 100 different methods, and going with my instinct and experience.

Dora the Explorer.....What a sweetie. Thinking she had retired, she has had a shock in the last month.  I have been lunging her and taking her out in hand...I am just too heavy to ride her...although its tempting!!  She is fine with small children on the lead rein....Ellie had a few kids on her yesterday and she was as good as gold.  Luckily we have Ellies daughter Georgie, who is a very accomplished rider, to sort her out as she is a bit different when being ridden properly.  A bit of a madam! Thats the pony, not the rider!  The feisty temperament comes out when asked to actually do some actual work!! (Hands up....Who put too much Arab into Welsh ponies??)  Still she has met her match in Georgie!

I'll just hold the hoof pick for you.

Or Pollys leadrope.

Why isn't this rearing thing working??

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