Tuesday 8 May 2018

Mad Dogs And English (Wo)Men!

And guess what????? Yes its gone from 5c to 25c .  English weather for you. Not that we are complaining about the heat.  Oh no, Not after that Winter. Still there are times of the day that it is.....maybe a little warm for, say fencing, or hacking.  Not that we take any notice of that. No we are hardened Horsewomen. We are used to the odd English weather. Four seasons in one day.

Last week, I had a panic on. Found a lump in Scrumpy Dogs mouth that looked very dodgy. The vet wanted her in the next day to remove it. At 11 and a half I was worried about the anaesthetic, and what they might find under the lump.  Trying to keep busy didn't help.  I found myself staring at water containers as I filled them.  It was the longest morning of my life!!  Luckily Scrumpy is a Jack Russell, thereby as hard as nails.  She sailed through the op, and felt well enough to chase a cat later that evening.

During that slightly dodgy week, it got warmer and warmer. The Bank Holiday weekend reached tropical temperatures.  Bliss after the Winter.  At the weekend all the little ponies were used in lessons.  They are loving being so useful.  Even Sweet Pea forgot to rear.  And Dora has been amazing.  Polly too seems to love being the 'Pony that taught a thousand kids to ride' and is full of bounce.

I have set up a round pen near the tack-room.  Okay its not perfectly round, but near enough.  And handy for water, drinks etc. Lu and Daisy went out Saturday, with Jo and Chanice Who Helps On Saturdays. In the meantime I was able to work Charlie, who is still being very colty.  After some good work, and some dancing/follow me free-school stuff, I got him a small feed and took a chair, drink, phone etc out to sit with him while he ate. Meanwhile the others came back.  Lu was looking so pretty I put a harness on her that I want to sell. She was brilliant considering she has never worn a harness before, and only mildly objected to the crupper!  While I was taking pictures Charlie decided to move the chair. I managed to rescue my drink in time, but he picked the chair up, then stood all over it.  He also found it funny to pick up and wave a jacket that was on the back of the chair.

Yesterday, Jo and I decided that it was a good idea to re-fence the biggies field, and move them down the hill, so that the grass can come back at the top. Good plan in 28c, at midday.  As usual it took longer than we thought, what with fencing the edges, and adding miles of hose on to reach the bottom of the hill. Still we have vowed NOT to say Its Too Hot.  So we drove ourselves on through the hottest part of the day, until we were like clockwork dolls winding down.

Today was even hotter......so we went out for a hack at 1pm!!! Having lost a lot of Farm Track Hacking when a Giant Farm bought a lot of nearby land, we decided on crossing THE ROAD and plodding down some country lanes.  Lu hasn't been that way since she was a baby, and Daisy has never been that way. I even wore a hat!!!! And we both wore fluorescent tabs.  OOOOH get me...So BHS.  I even put long boots on (a bit Lara Croft with the short shorts), and took my phone, And a lead rope!!

THE ROAD is always busy.....and fast.  Personally I don't care having crossed the M4, and some major A roads,not to mention cantering along the A12 verge as a child, and riding a 3 year old up the A140. Its a mere co-incidence that the only riding accidents I have had that have ended up with me in hospital have been on roads. So i set out to be nanny to Lu, Daisy being bombproof an all.....

Turns out Lu is perfectly cool in traffic, whereas Daisy reacted like she had a stick up her arse.  Still it slowed the traffic down!  My usual hacking position of one finger round the buckle of the reins, had to be adapted in order to steer Daisy and thank traffic.  I also found out my new 'brakes' bit was no brakes at all. Still they were both awesome and I thoroughly enjoyed a new route.  In fact I was like an excited kid...pointing at every farm track and dodgy looking footpath, saying "Where does that go?" Poor Jo. It must have been like a child in a car saying "Are we there yet?" every 2 minutes.  Needless to say we were all very sticky when we got back (including Charlie who must have been charging round his empty field for over an hour).  But the beauty of the new round pen, meant we could turn them loose while we got a drink and de-booted.  I brought a sweaty Charlie up to join his girls and we were able to hose them all down from the middle of the pen.

Sadly in mine and Daisy's excitement I forgot to take any pics on my phone, of the quaint cottages and the awesome view over the river, but i did manage to set a brilliant riding app, which even shows our route...Little things!!

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