Friday 13 April 2018

Springy.....At Last

Well...actually its still a bit cold here.....BUT, the clocks have gone forward and at last the temperatures have found there way above freezing. "They" keep promising warmer weather...maybe tomorrow?

A cool wind aside, we spent the early part of the week fencing the Hill Field (our Spring/Summer grazing). Despite the lack of spring temperatures, the grass has indeed grown. The blossom is starting to come out on the trees, and the horses are shedding vast amounts of winter coat. More telling the Arabs next door, have moved over the road onto there summer grazing.  Spring is unstoppable!

So yesterday we moved the 3 bigger ponies onto the Hill Field. They were very joggy on the way over, having clocked us fencing the day before. This morning Chanice (who helps on saturdays) arrived at stupid o clock, and caught all 3 of them laying down, fast asleep in a food coma.  Yes I know its Friday (school holidays!!). Trade off for a full belly is work.

After a good session removing last seasons coats, Charlie and Daisy were ahem....worked.  BTW Jo and I have both acquired these highly fashionable grooming gloves.  Jo has a pair which cost more than my single cheap one....but they are both SOO effective. There was enough hair on the ground to stuff a pillow, and its just like stroking your horse.  Goodbye Brushes!! The horses loved it, and nodded off.

Charlie and I went off to do some more clicker training.  He was very good, and I can now walk/stand all the way round him, while he stands glued to the Target (a sock on a cone).  Next up Daisy.  Ahem.  As she is known to get very springy on spring grass, we had hoped to lunge her quietly in trot.  I mean my "school" isn't really wide enough to canter in. Daisy had other ideas, taking off immediately.  As the line had got between her legs I let go and 5 minutes later we caught her for another go.  This time, after water-skiing several feet, I had to let go or break a finger!!.  Chanice and Daisy have a great bond, so she managed to grab her, whereupon we just unclipped her, and let her have her mad five minutes...I mean, we loose schooled her. 

Finally, unfit and heavy breathing, Daisy stopped and allowed Chanice to lead her round quietly. Oh Hum.  Still its nice to see the old girl enjoying life!! She also did some impressive sliding stops, and a fantastic flicky toed trot.

On Wednesday, Nancy had a lesson with Ellie, on Polly. Ellie has 5 children!  Luckily she only brought 3 with her.  The eldest Georgie, and the youngest,twins Billy and Ted, (approx 16 months old).  They are sooo funny.  They are toddling about in that drunken, falling over stage.  I would make a crap mother as I spent my time with them crying with laughter.  Totally fearless, they battered their way in with the Shetlands who proved themselves very good nannies, nudging them up on their feet when they tumbled over. Both wanting "Up", they ended up on Polly, being led round.  Health and safety out of the window!!!  But darling Polly is actually an angel and worth her weight in gold with children. She would Never Ever dream of being naughty, so the twins, and any other child that rides her is as safe as can be.

Fantastic Grooming Glove in action.

Daisy full of "Spring"

Starting young....on Polly who has taught dozens of kids to ride.

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