Tuesday 20 March 2018

The Beast From the East Has a Little Cousin!

And this Winter never ends!!  The snow went, the sun came out....And Then....The Beast from the East sent its little cousin.  Thankfully no snow this time,  BUT, the 50mph Easterly winds have been bitter. Face numbing!!

At least we can use the tractor, but its still hard work, working against the Wind.  I am fed up with the amount of layers I am wearing.  And worn down by the bloody wind. Not helped by Facebook reminding me of last year....and the year before, by showing pictures of us riding in tee-shirts!!  If the summer isn't really hot I Am Going To Complain!!

Princess Polly, who is let out every day to have a feed and graze, has discovered that we don't mind if she goes into the hay barn, so now heads that way every day. The others have lost a little weight, but went into winter as fat as pigs so its all natural. 

Jo has entered Lu for the Suffolk Show again, so we really need to get her working again. Hopefully this year she can stay sound.  If only Spring would appear soon...But according to the forecast The Beast is sending some long lost Aunt over to give us a white Easter.  

Watch this space to see if we survive the longest Winter ever!!

Officially fed up with Winter

Polly in the Hay Barn

Charlie at the 'All You Can Eat Buffet'

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