Thursday 27 July 2017

X-Rays and Unicorns

So remember Lu was lame on the day of The Suffolk Show?  Well its been intermittent.  When we took her to the vet she was sound.  So last week she was definitely lame so Jo called the vet out.  After quite a lot of trotting up and down and lunging it finally showed up!  It seems her adrenaline masks the pain....Tough ole gal!  A nerve block proved it was in the foot somewhere so the vet returned for x-rays.
Lu was as good as gold, standing on the blocks.  Charlie was stabled to keep her company, and for his own experience.  The X-ray was really interesting. Lu has a crack in one hoof, and some bug had gone up the crack and was nibbling away at her pedal bone. Not an easy one to diagnose without x-rays!!! 
Anyway she is on iodine (in her feed) and the farrier will be out next week to open up the crack.

It was also the worst day of Sweet Pea's life.  She needed a passport (simple enough), oh and a micro-chip.  Not so good, but the vet managed to get it in before she reared. While Jo and the vet were filling in the paperwork, I decided to lunge her which she hates.  Next up was a grazing muzzle.  As usual after her gigantic rears, as soon as I got my phone out to take pics, she allowed Jo to put the muzzle on!  Typical.....Never work with animals!

Anyway...the reason for the passport?  The minis are going to do unicorn parties for children. Apparently its all 'in' at the moment.  There are actually websites to buy unicorn accessories for your pony! Strap on horns (P'naff P'naff), glittery hoof oil, mane extensions, glitter spray!  Yes there are some dodgy sites if you google unicorns!!!!  As with a lot of horsey equipment there are many double entendres!

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