Tuesday 4 July 2017

Don't Try This At Home!!!!

Ok, so being on an enforced go slow, on Sunday I fitted the harness on Charlie, and went for a very short long rein.  He wasn't too keen about the crupper.....but they never are.
However yesterday I got bored lunging (him too), so started stopping him at the mounting block and leaning over.  I should point out I had the western saddle on for a bit of weight. Now Charlie always backs up at the mounting block, so to position his head by mine. Any tips for this gratefully received.....as I have now tried everything to get him to stand in place while I get up on the block.

And so....I had this blonde idea.....Please look away now if are in any way sensible, related to me or worried about my health (mental or otherwise).
I took Charlie and the mounting block to the gate.  I put the lunge line round the bars of the gate, holding the loose end. There was a hedge behind him, a gate to his offside, the block to his nearside. I put a leg over, lunge line in one hand, phone in other (like you do, when you have already stated out loud that "This could end in disaster", and thinking of this blog).
Charlie backed into the hedge, leapt forward and this being a high backed western saddle, my right leg got caught on the cantle. By now the mounting block pinged out from under my left leg, leaving me hanging. I could have let go and landed on my back, but I didn't fancy that, so I lunged forward, pulling on the horn to pull myself up......onto a panicking pony. A quick shuffle and I dismounted, somewhere under his neck, and dropping the line. It would have all been fine, except while legging it away from the mad woman, Charlie kicked back, catching my ankle.  Result swollen ankle and big bruise.

However.....I did accidentally press the video record button on my phone! And I did have long tough boots on. (Although maybe if I wasn't wearing the boots my leg wouldn't have got stuck!). 

So the moral of this story is; Don't mount your young pony whilst he is tied to a gate. It never was a good idea!

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