Monday 7 August 2017

A Big Crack in The Hoof, Family Pony and Papermill Lane Update

Lu had the farrier this week.  She was as good as gold.  Stood like a lamb while the farrier split open the crack in her foot. He then used a dremel to grind the rest back!!  We could see where the black in the laminae ended.  She is now shod on the fronts to hold the hoof together, with no sign of lameness. First time in her life she has been shod, and she didn't bat an eyelid.

All the ponies have taken good pills this week.  Chanice (who helps on Saturdays) had an outstanding lesson with Daisy on Saturday. We are getting to the point where Chanice is no longer a passenger and can control Daisy....with no nose band and a light rein.  They were able to go from trot to halt with ease. So pleased!!
Charlie who has not been worked for a while.....except for being brought in with Lu each day (its all progress), had half hour in the "school" on Sunday. I put his harness on....minus the bridle and crupper and we just had a play. First I led him through/over some obstacles, then set him free......He followed me round, weaving through the tyres, through the road closed gates, and finally over the towel where we stood a while. Family Pony??

Last but not least, I had a quick look at the Papermill Lane ponies tonight. I didn't go far, but i could see a lot of happy free grazing mares. Its not perfect, but, its a huge improvement from the poor little tethered souls I saw in the winter.  Heres hoping for even more improvements.

All cut open.

Family Pony??

A better pic of Papermill Lane

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