Wednesday 20 July 2016

Heatwave Survival and Nasty Horse-Flies

Phew its been HOT.  Too hot to ride.  Not complaining (much) but this is a bit like winter.  We are in Survival Mode.  By the time we have finished the chores, its time to hide from the heat. 
This doesn't quite mean contact/bonding has stopped. I am actually having a major break-through with Charlie......This is because of his pink nose and the searing heat.  It has become imperative to sunblock him daily. So I have been taking a tiny feed or carrots up to him daily.  This means catching is no longer a problem.....He's starting to drop his nose into the head-collar. He has a minor protest about the sunblock... A very small rear or two, but its getting on and stopping him having a crispy nose.  Oddly enough he is fine with fly cream on his face and sheath.....and talking of sheaths, he is really happy for me to clean his.  Odd Pony!!!
Our grass is now standing hay...and burning off, so we move the fence back without fear of laminitus.  It is vitality important to keep the water clean, fresh and topped up. And to fly spray everyone. Including ourselves!
Last week I got bitten by a larger than normal horse-fly on my jelly belly.  This week its swollen and spread, and has lovely blisters.  Doc says its called Cellulitis.....I thought that was only on my thighs!  So antibiotics and slight apathy from me to do more than strictly necessary.
We thought we might use the time to clean all the rugs with the pressure washer.......but inevitably its broken after one rug!!

Saturday 9 July 2016

Cracked It, Baths and Balloons

This week Charlie has been a star.  I have caught him up for 3 days for a feed and a fuss.  I have been using a slightly different approach.  Walking in the field, veering away from him, and approaching him from the side.  Rope round neck, head-collar on. No Problem.
So we started work again.  Playing in the round pen....with scary things like blowing plastic....which he tried to eat.  Chairs and Balloons......which he tried to eat.
Getting on and off.  No tack, no helper, no fuss.
Yesterday he approached me in the field and blew into my face.  So I blew into his nostrils....he blew back.  No biggie?  Well he has never accepted this form of greeting before....So its a huge step as far as I am concerned.

The Shetlands have been bathed.  Neither of them like it.  Sweet Pea can rear vertically.......and does.  Debatable who was the wettest today.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Bareback Teaching, Charlies Chute and Spies Are Us

Wow what a week...  So on Saturday, Jo and I spent a good half hour fixing up an electric fence 'chute' for Charlie, running from his field, through the 3 Acre to the round pen, so I could drive him there to continue the headcollar debate. Giving him a chance to work with me first, I strolled over......and put the rope round his neck and the headcollar on.  No Fuss. He got a feed for that.  Same again Sunday and Monday.  Monday was farrier day.  After Charlie had been done I put him in a stable, removing his headcollar in case he caught it on some random nail.  When all were done I went in to get him......Headcollar? No Way. Its like an instinct kicks in.  Luckily its not a huge stable. I wish I could get to the bottom of this instinct.  Until then I'll continue to use a rope first as it works.

Saturday I gave Chanice Who Helps On Saturdays a bareback lesson on Daisy.  I can't believe how much her position has improved since she first started with us.  I am so proud of her. Bareback riding should be practised more often. Positions improve no end without a saddle.  Its so much easier to feel the horse.

Today we have been mostly spies.....Long story short.  A local woman got done in March for cruelty and banned from keeping animals for 6 years.  Should have been life as its the third time this has happened.  Anyway, we have been spying on her since then.  She still has dogs, cats, chickens and 7 mares in her back garden.....And 4 stallions tucked away on another piece of land.  We have been in constant touch with World Horse Welfare about this, and today they came for a recce. Just as we drove past her house she was pulling out in a car.  So Jo and I tailed her, giving the guys time for a better look around, while we spent an hour in the local town watching her, of all things shop in a Horse Charity Shop.
I've always wanted to be a spy!!! Anyway when this is resolved I will name and shame.