Wednesday 1 May 2024

Treasure Hunts and Cavalry Horses

 So hands up who has had enough Weather? Here on the East Coast, we have been constantly battered by the North Wind bringing daily rain and freezing temperatures. I know the rain is good for the grass, but with a bunch of Natives we just don't want too much of it.  Daisy and Charlie are on an ever expanding Track system, and I expose a tiny amount of new grass daily.  Meanwhile in Enrichment Corner (under a lot of over hanging trees) they have four small holed haynets and a Likit.  The water is by the gate, the furthest point from the new grass.  I timed Daisy the other day and it takes her 3 minutes to amble all the way round.  Charlie goes at a flat out gallop so it's more like 3 seconds for him. Here's hoping May will finally bring us some sunshine 🌞.

We are now well into our Treasure Hunts. The A.E.C Spring Hoofprint Hunt has 2 more weeks to run and I am still looking for a 3 legged dog! As well as the Treasure we have done a couple of Challenges as well. And I'm loving looking at other people's pictures, and the excitement of the unknown Double points days. The Top Barn Treasure Hunt starts today. It's more about the miles than the Treasure, so I am only doing that with Daisy.  Trying to do 25 miles on foot with Charlie last year  damn neared killed me with my Dicky Ticker and Dodgy lungs!

Of course, both ponios are still doing Agility, although last month I only had a couple of days when I could keep my course upright.  And Charlie continues the long slow process of becoming a ridden pony.  So May is looking busy (and hopefully warm).

Now I rarely comment on Facebook posts, but a couple of days ago I saw a post from some Animal Rights activists (The same idiots that caused chaos at The 2023 Grand National).  After the tragic accident with the Cavalry horses in London (which I'm sure you all know about, unless you have been hiding under a rock) they have started a campaign to "free" all the Cavalry Horses so they can live in a Horse Sanctuary. They also claimed the horses live in appalling conditions!!!!! That really made my blood boil.  I've been to the Barracks twice to try out retired horses for the RDA.  They live in luxury. With people and other horses with them all day.  They are all in top condition.  Why don't these people actually go to a Horse Sanctuary to see the condition of the horses that are rescued?  After I had posted my opinion admin childishly looked at my Facebook profile, saw that I had had a win on this year's National and used that as a reason to diss my post.  And they are not even brave enough to allow me to reply or comment again!  

Anyway, some people will always remain ignorant, so let's forget about them and enjoy May.  Speak soon x

Sunday 14 April 2024

Blog Experiments And Treasure Hunts

 Hi guys.  So with technology not being my strong point, I am trying out this little experiment to see if it's possible to blog using my Kindle.  I'm hoping it will be quicker, so I can blog more often.  Hush with the booing at the back!

Also as me and the ponios have our hooves in several pies, and belong to a few online clubs, I won't be sharing it with any other club FB pages.  Just my own, which you should all know.  Charlie The Trick Pony.  If you want to receive an email about a new Blog, I think there is a link somewhere.  If not?  As you were!

So with the Top Barn Winter Challenge over, I signed up for the Spring Treasure Hunt, which starts in May. Then I discovered the Alternative Equine Club (A.E.C) FB group who have a Treasure Hunt, which started in April.  Yep, signed up both ponios. Charlie is doing the At Home class and Daisy the Out and About class.  As well as the usual format, there are plot twists and challenges galore.  The club also does Trec and other competitions and I highly recommend you check it out.

We are having a whale of a time. As this is a time saving experiment, I'm off now to find a 3 legged dog, and I'll update y'all real soon. X

Saturday 16 March 2024

The End Of The Top Barn Challenge and Big Changes!

 Wow!  It's the end of Week 11 of The Top Barn Winter Challenge.  How fast has that gone? A lot of us have technically finished already, having not used our Rollover Weeks or our Holidays.  Charlie, having banked a full weeks hours, finished at the end of Week 10, and Daisy had just half an hour to do this week to make it a Rollover week.  They are both on Top Barn Holiday next week.  Although of course both will still be working.  So huge Well Done to everyone who has already finished, or will finish next week.  And Well done to those who tried, but had hitches with lameness etc.  The weather hasn't been a great help this year, with all of us in Britain having had enough rain to fill the Atlantic......not to mention the wind!!!! Oh how I hate the wind.  The Ponies don't mind it, after all they live out in it, but my Dodgy Lungs are even dodgier against a head wind.

But enough doom and gloom about the Weather!! Spring is officially here. We are very nearly at the Equinox. We are getting 12 whole hours of daylight now. The birds are singing, the Daffs are blooming and the trees are blossoming (Ah Choo).  It's actually been warm (13c) and occasionally sunny. The Ponies are shedding like mad.  Every time I groom Daisy, I end up wearing half a Highland Pony.  Charlie being younger isn't so bad. Today Jo and I took the poo rakes to Mini the Shetland and literally removed her top coat!  So only another 3 layers to go.  And as for the dog!!  Every time she moves, she leaves half a dog behind. So its out with Henry The Hoover every 10 minutes.  Top Tip.....Belgian Malinois are massive shedders! 

With the mild temperatures and the rain, our grass is growing like mad. Daisy can't have too much grass in one go having EMS (or whatever they call it now), so I have already started the track in the Spring Field.  They are having 2 or 3 hours out on it every day. Then coming back into the Winter Track which is bare, and has various hay stations. Once the new Spring track is long enough, they can go out on it full time with restricted access to lush grass.  Even this small amount of Green Goodness is causing Spring Fever.  Daisy is particularly prone to behaving like a teenager on Crystal Meth at this time of year.  Despite being 24, she fancied she was running at the Cheltenham Festival yesterday!  And to think I've been taking it easy with her, fearing that I would break her!!

And so we have had a massive change.  Lulu has gone out on loan. Jo is waiting for a new hip, so has been unable to ride Lu for a long time. She's a bright mare, and didn't enjoy being a field ornament. She has only gone up the road, to a Livery Yard run by my old friend Marie (we kept our horses together for years). If I was a horse I would want to live with Marie.  As the Boss mare, we did wonder how the dynamics would alter in our little herd.  Lu has been in charge for ever!!

In the first 45 minutes after Lu left, Charlie happily scoffed his face at the Hay Box, (having not been allowed to before, hence extra hay nets hanging in trees). The Shetlands didn't appear to notice and just carried on as normal.  Daisy, galloped around yelling her head off.  Eventually Charlie got fed up with the noise from Daisy, and went to her.  Nose to nose they seemed to have a conversation. After a few minutes, Charlie sauntered back to the Hay Box, followed by Daisy.  It's been very peaceful ever since.  Not sure who is in charge now.  Probably no-one. The remaining ponies are all very laid back. None of them would care if an alien spaceship landed in their field, as long as they had enough to eat. Lu was always on guard, alerting the others to a scary sheep, or plastic bag. Then she would wind herself up when they dismissed her fears.  Now with no pony bothering to do the Meercat thing, they are all completely laid back.  A bunch of Stoners!  As a Bonus, the electric fencing remains in place, the poo load is reduced, and I can get any pony in, without a major fight at the gate.  Sorry Lu!!

See you all next month.  P.S  I still need to get Charlie out hacking, so if anyone is willing to ride Daisy on some short hacks with me and Charlie in tow, please contact me.

Saturday 17 February 2024

Whoa! We're Halfway There, Blackthorn Blossom and Over-Rugging.

 Wow this year is moving fast....or is it my age?  We are over halfway through the Top Barn Winter Challenge.  In fact we are just finishing Week 7. We have had no rollover or Holiday weeks, so I'm aiming to finish with Charlie on Week 10, and maybe even Daisy if I can bank some more time with her.  Both are working on Agility.  Charlie got 2 x 2nd places last month and Daisy was un-placed in our attempt at Equigility.  In fact we were last with a poor score of 90/100.  But, trying to teach a 24 year old that is used to trying to lean on the bit and pulling, to respond on a loose rein off a headcollar is certainly a work in progress!!

Spring is still springing. Although it's rained a lot, the temperatures have gone up. The wind is still cold, but you can't stop Mother Nature. The bloody Ragwort has started to pop its ugly heads up.  But the snowdrops are well and truly out, along with some daffodils. And the Blackthorn trees are starting to blossom. Hello Hayfever season!  

And this brings me on to the subject of over-rugging.  As you all know our herd of Natives live out 24/7 naked and as fluffy as they should be naturally.  With the nights getting lighter, they are shedding their winter coats.  All as nature intended. They have not been cold this Winter (wet yes).  We don't have to rush around taking rugs on and off the minute a cloud comes over.  They are shiny and muddy and healthy. It's been 13c. Horses are comfortable at much lower temperatures.  They survived the Ice Age.  Their coats are designed to stand up and trap the heat in.  The act of eating roughage causes an internal heating system.  Over-rugging a horse not only messes up its coat, but causes untold metabolic issues, leaving the horse unable to regulate its body temperature. 

So one of the Shetlands has grown a really really really thick coat. She looks like a cross between a lion and a siberian hamster.  Poor thing was getting sweaty in 13c, so I have given her a beard, neck and belly clip. It was a real test for my Liveryman Harmony Plus Clippers, as they really only look like trimmers, and are as quiet.  But as they have worked really well on Charlies thick feathers, I gave it a try.  I am so impressed with them!  Although I think the blades may need a sharpen now!

<a target="_blank" href="">Liveryman Harmony Clippers</a>

Thursday 1 February 2024

A False Spring, Tricks Galore, and The Top Barn Challenge is Galloping By

 OMG Its February already!!!! Where did that long long month of January go? And whats with the English spelling of these early months (all this uary endings is stressing my spell check)?  So after a nasty January weatherwise, I'm now being lulled by this false spring and thinking of removing some layers.  Its been a calm, mostly sunny few days with the temperatures hitting double figures in the East. The nights are pulling out, the birds are singing and the snowdrops are out.  In fact on Tuesday I was so lulled by this False Spring that I did indeed shed some layers. Oh what a mistake.  The wind was bitter and out in the fields on the tractor I froze. Must remember that some of our worst snow-outs have been in February/March! But still, Spring is coming.......

I know a lot of people doing the Top Barn Challenge are having much worse weather than us, so Charlie and I are setting Charlies Challenges every week for a bit of fun, and ideas for things to do with your horse without moving from the field or stable. A long long time ago I joined Horse Tricks Club (find it on Facebook). We learned a lot of tricks, and so most of Charlies Challenges are trick related.  We have been going over some old tricks and its amazing that he remembers them all.  I have been working on a Maths Trick with him, but I'm not showing it here, because it will be a Charlies Challenge (Spoiler Alert).  I have to say I am crap at Maths and my OH (Mark the Mechanic and Part Time Horse Whisperer) laughed his head off when I said I had been teaching Charlie Maths! Next up Card Tricks!!

And as fast as the month has galloped by, so is The Top Barn Winter Challenge. We have already completed a Third of it. You may want to check this fact as I have already admitted my crap maths!  So far me and the ponies have kept up with our hours.  Charlie has banked one and a half hours, done all the Rhi's Randoms and 8 Mini Challenges.  Daisy is bang on target and has completed 7 Mini Challenges. I'm taking it very easy with her, due to her age and the length of time she had been retired. But she is totally enjoying the attention.

Both ponies have managed Agility entries this month. Charlie with his WO Liberty and OLHA and Daisy has tried Equagility!!!!  Having been only a brood mare and a Happy Hacker (being ridden in a Dutch Gag) she has never had any formal schooling and is only just learning Clicker Training.  She pulls like a steam train and isn't the sharpest tool in the box, but she is the sweetest Mare ever.  And we have to start somewhere.  Also she sucks her water!!!!!!

And so as a very special person used to say "Onwards and Upwards" and "To Infinity and Beyond".   Keep it up Top Barners.  And Good Luck to all the Agility entrants for the January Competitions.  

Oh and by the way......I have just entered the shady world of Tik Tok.  Charlie now has an account called The Trick Pony???? I think.  I'm doing the Tik Tok on my phone and the Blog on my Laptop, and I'm way too old to share any links.  We also have a YouTube channel (Charlie The Trick Pony) and Instagram (also Charlie The Trick Pony) and a Facebook page (also Charlie The Trick Pony) .  While I am plugging Social Media, I have 2 books available on Kindle. "The Ridgeway Romp" and "Tails From The Rda".  Sorry I can't share any links.......Thats Old Age!  

See you in Spring x

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Cause For Celebration and The Top Barn Challenge Begins

And so the 2023 International Agility Club year ended.  Where would we end up in the League Tables?  I waited, chewed my nails, waited a little more, gnawed up to my knuckles. When the results came out i couldn't look.....literally. The site crashed!!  So I am absolutely humbled to announce that Charlie and I became European Champions and Reserve World Champions in the Walk Only Liberty League.  It was my very joking pledge at the beginning of the year......But I never thought we could pull it off!  I am full of pride for my boy, who started life badly and found himself on a meat truck at 5 months old.  Luckily he was rescued by the fantastic Sara Higgins.  Having spent 3 and a half years running with other colts, he was pretty feral, and coltish, and very opinionated. He is also partially sighted in his offside eye, seeing only light, dark and shadows.  But after only taking up Agility in June 2022, he has pulled this off. Whatever next??? 

So as we continue at the moment with the Liberty Agility, I am also prepping for Equagility (The ridden version).  I would also like to do this with Daisy.  My main aim for Charlie this year is to get him out hacking.

So I have entered both ponies into the Top Barn Winter Challenge.  Charlie is doing Bronze Premium ( 3hrs a week plus some extra challenges) and Daisy Copper (1.5hrs a week).  The Weather has been a Bitch.  We have had Rain, Flooding, Storms, Hurricane force winds, a biting, finger numbing North wind straight off the North Sea (only about 4 miles away), Snow (which went as quickly as it came) and now a dry frozen week (currently -3c).  But at least its dry!! 

The ponies live out 24/7.  There are no stables, barn or inside to work in out of the weather. We have no School or Arena.  Just an area I call my Playpen where I do my Agility. Its just a small grassy area, fenced off with electric fencing and completely exposed to the North East (handy that). However a wise person once said "There is no bad weather, just the wrong clothes".  This year in all my years of working with horses I have had cold hands. Actually they have been numb in the wind.  So I have bought a pair of gloves. Lightweight neoprene. Brilliant. 

I don't advertise or promote anything normally, but I also got some waterproof, fleece lined over-trousers from a company called Cuddlr.  You may have seen their adverts on Facebook.  I also never buy anything from ads on Facebook, but thought this was worth a gamble.  It was!  They have been a lifesaver. I pop them over fleece lined leggings. My feet are encased in Nordic wool socks, and oh so attractive fur lined muck boots.  My top half is covered in t-shirt, sweatshirt, fleece and my brilliant Yak wool jacket that I got a few years ago from Tibet. With a fur lined wool snood covering my face and a silly wool/fleece hat, the weather can throw its worst at me.  I might look like the Michelin man in all this....but I'm warm!  

The Winter Challenge is a Challenge because of the Weather. It wouldn't be much of a challenge if it were in the Summer months.  So buckle up guys, smother yourselves in many clothes and waddle through the next couple of months. Its surprising how many things there are to do with your horse without actually leaving the stable (if you have one).  With this in mind I am posting a weekly Challenge (Charlies Challenges) to compliment the Mini Challenges.  I am posting on Friday nights/Saturday mornings. 

Most of Charlies Challenges will be Trick related.  So we are re-visiting all the Tricks we learned over the years (Check out Horse Tricks Club).  So Top Barn Challengers......Keep it up.. The nights are pulling out, at a rate of 1 minute a day. Before you know it, Spring will be here.  Achievements are achieved by sheer hard work.  No-one ever got their horse out of a field after months off and went and won the Puissance.  It takes hard work and perseverance through whatever life or the weather throws at you. So keep it up, YOU GOT THIS. X

Friday 22 December 2023

The End of The Year Blog ( Track Systems, Sandy Soil and 2024)

Well its nearly the end of 2023 (How did that happen?)  Charlie and I have had a great 2023.  He has done really well in Horse Agility, we have progressed to about 8 steps ridden before the panic starts, and I can nearly get the clippers on his legs!! 

What always amazes me (still) is the fact he comes running when I call him, or if he has spotted me in the Playpen (new name for the 'school' as it really isn't), he is waiting at the Gate. It shows how far we have come from the pony that once took 2 weeks to catch!!!!  This is all down to Clicker Training and Trick Training.  This year I joined Connection Training and I have learnt sooooo much about how the horses mind works.  Our relationship has blossomed and its a real 2 way communication now.  Between Horse Tricks 101 Club, The International Horse Agility Club and Connection Training we now have a proper solid relationship and the ability to have actual conversations. I am now exploring the concept of his consent, and giving him a voice that I listen to. More on that next year.

As well as the Horse Agility and slowly slowly ridden work, during the Year, Charlie and I took part in 2 Top Barn Treasure Hunts.  I love a good Treasure Hunt. Its a brilliant concept ......To get out and seek 'treasures' such as Churches, Pubs, Water, get it. Not only was it great fun, we ventured out of our comfort zones in the pursuit of 'treasures' and spent a lot of time hanging out waiting for them to pass by. 

We have just finished our last Agility Competition of the Year. Having won the WO Liberty Silver in November with Charlie, I was raring to start on the final competition of the year.  However Covid struck!  I went to London (yes a Yokel like me, in the Big Smoke).  I went to see the Lionesses play The Netherlands at Wembley.  One sardines in a tin packed Tube Train later and I was struck down. I felt wretched for nearly 10 days. My Horse Landlord is vulnerable so I kept away, only visiting Charlie when the coast was clear. Poor Jo had to shoulder all the work, while I lay in bed watching crap daytime TV.  So I have only had 12 days to pull off a Competition entry, while the weather has raged with rain and wind. We also managed to film a few Xmas Shorts for our You Tube Channel.  Check them out  If that doesn't work just type Charlie The Trick Pony into the search.  I'm crap with links etc.

Meanwhile Daisy, who retired aged 23 last spring, has been hooning around like a spring chicken.  She has EMS, but living on a track system has given her a new lease of life.  She is a great nanny pony, being fairly bombproof, so Jo and I decided she may as well do something. Like helping Charlie get out hacking.  Having done nothing for most of the Year, and never having done any Agility, I brought her in and took her round the OLHA WO Starter Course in November.  I had filmed it, and it looked Ok.  So I registered her with the International Horse Agility Club, and entered.  To my utter surprise, she came 1st. So Daisy has a new career!!  I have since had front shoes put on, ready for the New Year Challenge.

And that Challenge is of course, The Top Barn 2024 Winter Challenge.  I have entered both ponies.  Charlie at Bronze Premium Level and Daisy at Copper Level which is new for this year. My aim is to get them both fit and ready to try Equigility (Ridden Horse Agility).  I also want to Clicker train Daisy, and will be doing a series of videos on YouTube of our progress. 

And so onto that miracle Track System.  Our Winter Field for the larger ponies is 2 acres. We have always strip grazed it, but having used the Track System in the Summer with success, I thought it was worth trying it on the Winter Grazing. Using electric fence posts we have gradually increased the Track around the outside of the paddock, so now it runs all the way round. Then small strips are made into the middle. They are having very small amounts of hay to supplement the grass, and here we are, nearly at the end of the year, with a load of grass left.  They are using the whole track.  I would like to attach some sort of tracker to Charlie, to see how far they are actually moving. 

Now we are lucky to be on sandy soil.  With all the rain we have had so far this Winter, I know a lot of people are having problems with their tracks becoming bogs.  Ours is standing up well.  No one can chose their soil, but here in The Suffolk Sandlings, I have always had my horses on sandy soil. Yes it brings its own problems.  When the grass is cropped the horses pull it up from the roots which can cause sand colic.  We feed pysillium regularly to combat this.  In a dry hot Summer (Oh I wish) the grass turns to dust and we have to feed hay. Ragwort loves sandy soil, so its a constant battle to pull it up. But on the whole I would much rather have sand than mud. 

So it just remains to Wish You All a Happy Xmas.  See you all in2024.  x