Sunday 14 April 2024

Blog Experiments And Treasure Hunts

 Hi guys.  So with technology not being my strong point, I am trying out this little experiment to see if it's possible to blog using my Kindle.  I'm hoping it will be quicker, so I can blog more often.  Hush with the booing at the back!

Also as me and the ponios have our hooves in several pies, and belong to a few online clubs, I won't be sharing it with any other club FB pages.  Just my own, which you should all know.  Charlie The Trick Pony.  If you want to receive an email about a new Blog, I think there is a link somewhere.  If not?  As you were!

So with the Top Barn Winter Challenge over, I signed up for the Spring Treasure Hunt, which starts in May. Then I discovered the Alternative Equine Club (A.E.C) FB group who have a Treasure Hunt, which started in April.  Yep, signed up both ponios. Charlie is doing the At Home class and Daisy the Out and About class.  As well as the usual format, there are plot twists and challenges galore.  The club also does Trec and other competitions and I highly recommend you check it out.

We are having a whale of a time. As this is a time saving experiment, I'm off now to find a 3 legged dog, and I'll update y'all real soon. X

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