Wednesday 1 May 2024

Treasure Hunts and Cavalry Horses

 So hands up who has had enough Weather? Here on the East Coast, we have been constantly battered by the North Wind bringing daily rain and freezing temperatures. I know the rain is good for the grass, but with a bunch of Natives we just don't want too much of it.  Daisy and Charlie are on an ever expanding Track system, and I expose a tiny amount of new grass daily.  Meanwhile in Enrichment Corner (under a lot of over hanging trees) they have four small holed haynets and a Likit.  The water is by the gate, the furthest point from the new grass.  I timed Daisy the other day and it takes her 3 minutes to amble all the way round.  Charlie goes at a flat out gallop so it's more like 3 seconds for him. Here's hoping May will finally bring us some sunshine 🌞.

We are now well into our Treasure Hunts. The A.E.C Spring Hoofprint Hunt has 2 more weeks to run and I am still looking for a 3 legged dog! As well as the Treasure we have done a couple of Challenges as well. And I'm loving looking at other people's pictures, and the excitement of the unknown Double points days. The Top Barn Treasure Hunt starts today. It's more about the miles than the Treasure, so I am only doing that with Daisy.  Trying to do 25 miles on foot with Charlie last year  damn neared killed me with my Dicky Ticker and Dodgy lungs!

Of course, both ponios are still doing Agility, although last month I only had a couple of days when I could keep my course upright.  And Charlie continues the long slow process of becoming a ridden pony.  So May is looking busy (and hopefully warm).

Now I rarely comment on Facebook posts, but a couple of days ago I saw a post from some Animal Rights activists (The same idiots that caused chaos at The 2023 Grand National).  After the tragic accident with the Cavalry horses in London (which I'm sure you all know about, unless you have been hiding under a rock) they have started a campaign to "free" all the Cavalry Horses so they can live in a Horse Sanctuary. They also claimed the horses live in appalling conditions!!!!! That really made my blood boil.  I've been to the Barracks twice to try out retired horses for the RDA.  They live in luxury. With people and other horses with them all day.  They are all in top condition.  Why don't these people actually go to a Horse Sanctuary to see the condition of the horses that are rescued?  After I had posted my opinion admin childishly looked at my Facebook profile, saw that I had had a win on this year's National and used that as a reason to diss my post.  And they are not even brave enough to allow me to reply or comment again!  

Anyway, some people will always remain ignorant, so let's forget about them and enjoy May.  Speak soon x

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