Friday 18 August 2023

A Very Special August 💗

I LOVE AUGUST.  The heat (normally) and the fact it's my Birthday month makes it Special. There has been a little heat and a little less rain, although we are currently waiting for Storm Betty to lash the East Coast. And thats it for the Weather Report.

And so the beginning of August hailed the start of Top Barn Treasure Hunt Part 2. This time we have a list of 30 treasures, but to finish we only have to find 3 variations of 10 treasures.  Of course everyone is going for the full monty (or the full 90).  We also have to complete a set amount of miles (multiples of 10).  And complete at least 1 of 5 Challenges. The challenges involve leaving where your horse lives (ie Hack out Alone, Hack Out in Company etc).  And guess what? Yup the owner of the Farm I keep Charlie at is STILL doing the drive.  TBF it is a very long drive drive, and he is working alone.  But we have until the end of September, so where theres hope and all....  I have declared 20 miles this time because the 25 of the last Treasure Hunt was a push (being on foot and all).  I am aiming to get the required 10 x 3 Treasures and at least one of everything else. Although where the hell I'm going to see a Pink Car I don't know!  And No! I am not buying Barbies car! This is deepest darkest Suffolk. Everyone drives a mud splattered 4x4. Not pink cars! 

So far we have 4 x 3 treasures and a few of the others.  Not mentioning the miles yet. But its less than 5!!!!! 

If you are into Agility (as I may be) August is the 2nd month of Summer of Sports, a whole bunch of extra classes which are fun fun fun.  So far Charlie and I have entered 5 SOS classes. I may squeeze another one in.  Just to make this month even more special I have just received our rosettes for the July monthly competitions.  

But two very special visits have absolutely made my August.
On my actual Birthday my old friend Mel came to visit from Wales. She spoilt me rotten and helped me fulfill my Birthday Wish along with Jo.  Having got Charlie used to being mounted and having me doing weird stuff on his back over the last few months, we were stuck on him walking on. He has never been happy with moving whilst carrying me.  We have spent a long time building up the correct muscles, to help his confidence.  So the 10th was the day. With people on the ground to encourage him, we set off round the "School". Once in each direction. He was a superstar. No backing, rearing, spinning or bucking.  Just a calm walk in each direction.  I could feel the point where he said, "Hey I can do this".  Still on Cloud 9.

Yesterday my good friend Amanda came to visit from Co. Durham.  We also had a great day.  Between us we got some feather off Charlie and had lunch in a local cafe.... And she brought me the most amazing present. A pastel she did of my old dog Scrumpy. Tears were shed. Its amazing....

Amanda is happy to do commissions and is just as talented doing horses, so if you would like your horse/dog/cat/rabbit painted, please message me, and I will pass you her details. 

Have a good Summer, Treasure Hunt, Summer Of Sport and speak to you next month xx

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