Sunday 23 July 2023

Build The Ark, Summer Of Sport and Another Treasure Hunt

 And so to the Weather Forecast........For the rest of the month it will rain!  As it has done for the last week or so.  In between the rain there will be blustery showers, interspersed with Heavy Downpours causing flooding.  This time last year, our grass had become dust.  This year we have TOO much of it. Our lard (and lami) prone natives are a challenge, although with a combination of a Track System and Strip Grazing, we are holding our own. 

But it is Summer if in name only, so The International Horse Agility Club  is holding its Annual Summer Of Sports.  As well as the usual monthly competitions there are loads of fun classes to enter over the next 2 months. These can be entered individually and as a team. Charlie and I are in a team called Brit Chicks Rock (or something like that). 

So far we have done Wild Agility .....basically obstacles in the 'Wild', and Act Your Shoe Size which is huge fun entry can be viewed here : .  

For the last week I was dog sitting for a friend.  And there is a Horse and Hound Class.....Can you see where I went with this?  We had a 20 minute practice where I realised the Pivo was not going to recognise a dog as a horse.  Especially when said horse was wandering around loose. I didn't have a Glamorous Assistant to hold on to the spare animal.  The Following day with only another 20 minutes to spare, I got it filmed from a distance, but both Charlie and borrowed doggo (Luna) were brilliant.  Except for the bit when Charlie wandered across in front of the camera.  Luckily he didn't stop and only blocked a part of the film where Luna and I were going from one obstacle to the next.  In case you are wondering I can't use my own dog.  As great as she is at Agility type stuff, she would try and eat Charlie. 

I am extremely proud of Charlie for getting 2 x 1sts in Junes Agility Competitions. With great scores.  As we have only recently moved up into Advanced I really can't ask any more. 

And what of The Top Barn Treasure Hunt? We completed our final miles in time, although our Horse Landlord decided to start concreting the bottom of the drive so we never did get out to get our Thatched Cottage and Pond.  Although someone did turn up on a bicycle.....the day after the Challenge ended. 

Huge congrats to those who did 200 miles, or found 50 treasures, or did both. I take my hat off to you all.  Now I am left with Treasure Tourettes.  The compulsive urge to shout out random words like "Butterfly" or "Ice Cream Van".  

But not to be left wandering round like deranged zombies, peering at houses to see if they are Edwardian, Rhi from Top Barn has devised Treasure Hunt pt 2, running through August and September.  I have to join. Even if Charlie is not ready to go hacking.  Even if I can't walk far.  Even if we may not complete the 5 new challenges (which all depends on actually leaving the Farm!). I still have to join.  If you want to join, this is hopefully the Link to Top Barn Online.

I'm hoping the links I have included will work.  I struggle with all this Social Media Linking stuff.  Too old innit.  So if you end up with the Bus Timetable for the No. 64 I do apologise. If they do work, perhaps you could check out this one and hit subscribe. For Charlie xx

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