Thursday 9 November 2017

Fireworks, Farriers, English Rain and Eye Problems?

BLOODY FIREWORKS!!!!!!  Not only have I spent 3 nights cuddling my terrified Jack Russell, but we had idiots firing rockets over the horses field on Saturday night. New people have moved into a Barn about half a mile away. There never bothered to inform us they were having a firework party. Neither did they think to let them off over the 30 acres or so of sugar beet crops behind their house! No they let them off towards the ponies. We know this because, a) a neighbour phoned to tell us, b) the field was completely cut up with galloping hooves and Sweet Pea is lame, and c) the wrappers off the rockets were all over the field...they can only have landed there when the rocket exploded. Bloody Morons!!!!

And having got a thorough soaking of good English rain on Saturday morning I had hoped it would be too wet for rockets!

Any we had the farrier on Wednesday.  Charlie seemed to remember he had to hold his foot up without pawing so that was all good.  However the day before, the lunging was not so good. He is fine going clockwise, but gets really uptight going the other way. I stopped at a good point and took him for a walk in hand down the lane. I have noticed that he leads better from the off-side, on the near side he crowds me.  I am starting to wonder if he has dodgy sight in his near-side eye. Maybe that would explain the refusal to stand at the mounting block and the flying lessons he has given me when I get on?

Any thoughts would be very very gratefully received. 


  1. Is your horse actually trained to properly lounge? And most horses learn to lead on their left side. If never taught to lead on their right side they most likely wont do it well.

  2. Thank you. He is still a baby really, but I have been teaching him everything on both sides. This is quite a new developement.
