Wednesday 1 November 2017

Charlies Day 3, CHAOS, and A Royal Visit

Charlies Day Three (Again) ..... Good and Bad.  The Bad first....well it happened first.  I was merely picking his feet out (or trying to!!).  When he wants to he will violently paw his foot out of the way (always the front).  This is sooo not acceptable to the Farrier....Or me as it happens.  A growl from me.  Try again, more pawing, I get louder, while trying to hang on. He rears. His eyes are rolling with amusement.  He gets the look of the devil sometimes.  Luckily Jo was at hand to hold his head, so I could get on with it. What I wouldn't give to be able to cross tie him at times.  Or even a solid tie-up rail would do.  As it is we have to make do with a dodgy gate. 

Anyway the work bit was good.  I used a roller, with side reins attached to the head-collar.  Yes we have been here before....more than once. More lunging...He's getting the hang of it now.  Trot round steadily, come in when asked, change direction. All good. This time I will keep doing this until its all perfect. That was yesterday.

Today there was Chaos with a big fat capital C. We were just taking the rugs off Polly and Daisy when Lulu broke down the connecting fence. So for 5 seconds all six ponies were in the same field. I quickly removed Polly as she is too old to be chased by a randy Charlie. Having given Charlie a good kicking, the Shetlands quickly exited under the tattered fencing.  All 3 smaller ponies converged near the tack room. Having blocked off any exits with our cars we went back up to sort out the tangled wire. By now Daisy had swapped fields, and was waiting for us to rescue her. Somehow we got them to rearrange themselves into the right fields.  Funny how easy it is for them to jump broken fencing when THEY want to, but its soo scary when we ask them to jump back. 

About an hour later, we had finally untangled all the self tangling electric wire and had standing fences and clean fields. Time to retrieve the runaways. Someone (Mini is the prime suspect) had been in the tack room. Scattered feed buckets, upturned chairs, and a overturned tub of Chastebury gave it away. Still at least they all had a bit of exercise.

At the RDA we are going to be a bit busy this month.  Not only are we moving to a new yard, we have Royalty coming to the Grand Opening. We will be putting on a display......which can only mean a lot of hard work.  Watch this space for more details.

Escapologists cause chaos

Quick, this way.

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