Friday 6 May 2016

Its All Over Sunblock!!

Oh Charlie and I have fell out......over sunblock. On Wednesday it was hot...New hot....that sort that burns unexpectedly.  The one which makes sane adults look like cooked lobsters.  I tried to put sunblock on his nose without a head collar. Stupid mistake. He clearly didn't like the smell......He trotted off, with his lip curled back, which made me laugh.  Until I tried to catch him with the head-collar.  No go.  I had Thursday off.  So today I had double punishment.  Having caught up the other two first to give their hooves a good slosh of Kevin Bacon, I went to get Charlie.......Not a chance.
An hour later, of constant stalking him, we were both dripping with sweat. There's almost no chance of doing the join-up method in 3 acres. I had chucked the headcollar away by this point.  Finally, by sitting on the ground, and feeding handfuls of fresh grass to the mares, did he dare approach me.  At this point that was all I wanted.  Him to approach me. I know in my head, its a baby thing....A protest, a few steps back, no biggie.....but in my heart it hurt. The boy that lets me sit with him while he is laying down to suddenly react like i have an electric prodder....Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
Jasmine on the other hand made me feel a bit better by sticking her head under my armpit and nibbling me.  We have had a lot of mutual grooming sessions lately.  If I kneel down and scratch her belly, she grooms my back.  And she loves having her back raked with the poo-picker....

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