Monday 16 May 2016

A Truce At Last and Riders for The Small Things

Charlie and I have at last got a truce. I spent a good week feeding him and gradually getting a rope round his neck.....and eventually round his face. Without the rope, he has been happy to come over and have a scratch, kiss, hug. Its been all on his terms. On Friday we had fenced the 1 acre, so were ready to move them.  Off Lulu went with Jo to pastures new. Headcollar? Charlie? Not a chance.  I was quite prepared to leave him, and keep coming back and making the fence smaller.  But we thought it was worth Jo trying....after all she hadn't tried to sunblock him.  It Worked.  First Jo curled up in a ball on the ground......That got his attention.  Once he had sniffed her all over, she walked off.  He followed.  Next thing she had put the rope around his neck, then face.  I put the leather head-collar on him.  They break under pressure.
The next day we arrived and they were fat and happy, knee deep in grass.  Lulu had taken off her grazing muzzle, and Charlie had lost his head-collar.  The whole field is surrounded with electric fence, so it must have been a mutual removal. Having punched in more holes, I thought it might take another week to get it back on.....but it took ten minutes.  I sat down with a feed between my legs, and was able to quietly slip the rope, and head-collar back on. I hate leaving horses out with head-collars on, but sometimes it has to be done. Its no fun chasing a horse down.  As long as the field is safe and theres nothing for them to get caught on, it should be ok. Leather head-collars should break quicker than nylon ones, so bear that in mind.  All weekend he has been coming over for affection......and at least I can catch him if I need to. He has also discovered the pleasures of having his back scratched with the poo picker rake. Back to work soon.
Talking of work....we have found small and efficient riders for the little ponies. On Saturday, we now have Lauren, who rides Polly really well and her brother Samuel who has taken on Sweet-Pea. Despite falling off her 4 times, the first time, he thinks she good fun. To be fair he was bareback.  And he handled her really well.
On Sunday we have twins......Molly and Daisy, who also ride Polly well.  They haven't tried Sweet-Pea yet.  All these kids are really young, all are cantering round alone, and they have all been to a riding school at Iken.  So fair play to the teacher there.  They have been taught well.
Chanice who helps on saturdays has been coming on in leaps and bounds as well......Daisy can be very pig-headed.  BHS peeps look away now.....The other week, er, barefoot and er, hatless (sorry) I ended up demonstrating how to cope with her excitability without really doing anything.  She is too lazy to keep jogging, pulling, cantering if you just sit quietly.  In my defence I did tell Chanice to never ride hatless and barefoot.  Not until she reaches nearly 50 anyway.

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