Thursday 29 December 2022

Those Feckin Birds, Top Barn Challenge Tips and Happy New Year

 So as usual we will start with the Weather!  The Ice finally melted.  Oh the bliss to have running taps!! Now we have typically British weather.....Rain, Mud and Wind!  But at least its a long way above freezing. Its been typically around 5c to 8c during the day.  I can cope with that!  

Of course during the freeze Mini the Shetland got Laminitus!  Its quite common in frozen weather as the the sugar in the grass migrates to the tips. We decided to house her in The Round Pen as it is mostly weeds. With Coco next to her in a pen with proper grass.  Although Coco is also a Shetland, she was starved in a previous life, and we couldn't keep the weight on her.  After some Mastersons from Jade Monahan (the wonder healer), it was discovered her jaw was locked and she was only chewing up and down. Now she can grind side to side and has gained weight. Coco loves her grass, and can be very fussy about eating anything else.  And so they have to have separate pens sometimes.  Mini is not overly happy about this and had a major tantrum today, when Coco's pen was extended.  After a proper broncing fit, I decided to film her.  She had calmed down by then, but its quite clear she is sound again!

Charlie and I managed to film and enter our December classes for Horse Agility. When the ice melted.  Now we are awaiting the final League placings. Of course we only started in June, so we won't be more than halfway up the League Tables. But its been both a blast and a learning curve.  Charlie loves learning the new courses each month.  In our 6 months, we have moved from Starter Level, Through First Level, into Medium Level. We have also completed a Liberty Class each month and have worked through Training Levels 1 and 2.  We are currently halfway through Level 3. Looking at our rosette board for this year we have 5 x 1st, 4 x 2nd, 3 x 3rd, a 4th and a Perfect Score.  Not bad for a half blind, half feral, late cut rescue who was on his way for meat, and a limping 50-odd year old with Dodgy Lungs and Dicky Ticker who was told her time with horses was over!
Even if I do say so myself!!!!

We have started on the January Walk Only Course. As we have moved up the levels we got more trotting. Charlie can trot!  But I can't.  Not even to save my life!  In fact, running may well end it.  So we are now in the Walk Only League. More technical and precise it seems.  If only the Feckin Robins would leave us alone!!!!!

Yes in the video I say sparrows but they are actually Robins.  Yup those cute little birds on the front of Xmas Cards. Now I love them. Up to a point.  The little bastards have me well trained! We have several Robins at The Farm.  But there are 2 of them that have got me wrapped around their little talons!  Muckheap Robin. He lives in the Gate end of 'The School' which is near the Muck Heap. Every day, he sits nearby, glaring and whistling. He demands I dig into the muck to reveal tasty, hot, takeaway worms. Not the best thing to do with Dodgy Lungs and a Dicky Ticker in Winter, but he has me under his spell!  Number 2 is School Robin.  He lives at the other end of 'The School'.  When I feed Charlie, he fluffs about, trying to share the food. Then he follows us around the Obstacle Course, fluttering about and scaring Charlie!  Sometimes the little shit sits on my phone! 
So I bought him some special wild bird peanuts, hoping they would distract him. But its just made him worse. He knows they are for him, so he leaves them and hassles me for more.  Today both Robins clashed.  Now Robins are very territorial and despite their cute Xmas Card looks, are aggressive little bastards. They fought like a couple of drunks at a Football Match. I'll be glad when they go where ever Robins go when it warms up!!!! Or I may start training them!!!!!

So, 4 more sleeps before The Top Barn Challenge 2023 Begins.  Are we all excited?  To be honest Top Barn has changed my perception of Winter. I used to hate Winter. See it as a time of Hibernation.  Get up, care for the horses and then leave to get back indoors. Even when I was competing, January was a chore.  Now I look forward to it.  This is my 5th year with Charlie. Each year we have done Bronze, as although I only have the one pony at the Farm, he is in a herd of 5 ponies.  They live out 24/7, but there is still plenty of work to be done. Hay, Water, Poo Pick, Ragworting, Fencing etc etc. Add in snow and ice and everything takes twice as long.  And we only have limited daylight hours.  
I failed to complete 2020, due to trying to do the Challenge with 2 ponies, and catching Covid in a big way.  I ended up with pneumonia, so quit on the 6th week.
Last year my 85 year old Mother became very ill.  I was driving a 30 mile round trip each day to look after her. I nearly moved Charlie to a Livery Yard, I nearly Quit the Challenge.  I nearly turned to drink. But I clung onto the Challenge like a life raft. It was My Time.  I simply got up earlier to fit it all in.

So this year is looking better (touch wood).  I have pledged Silver Premium with Charlie.  He has been a challenge full stop. But we have progressed a lot in the last year. Despite being 9, he has never been ridden properly.  He is having regular Craniosacral work done (by Jade The Miracle Healer) and has a new Farrier.  We have a lot to work on.  Agility, Muscle Building, Learning to be tied up, Long Reining, Lunging, Clipper Training, Wearing Tack and finally, hopefully, being ridden. So here are my  Challenge Tips....

1/ Do The Maths.  Work out how many hours you can realistically do each week. Bronze = 3 hours per week (per horse).  That = roughly 26 minutes a day each horse....if you work horse every day. 
2/ Don't leave it all till the weekend.  Every minute counts, so try to get the time in early.
3/ Don't use your Rollover and Holiday Weeks too soon. You never know whats ahead.  Remember The Beast From The East?  It didn't turn up till the end of February. Being on The East Coast, we were snowed under. Luckily that year I still had a Rollover and Holiday Week in hand.
4/ Bank Time when you can.  Its better to 'Bank' time early on.  Then if you need to have a Rollover Week, the time is already done.  It's hard to catch that time up. 
5/ Think outside the box.  There is so much you can do with your horse without riding or even moving!  Teach him Tricks......Smile, Hug, Kiss, Say Please, Target, Pick Up. Try something new.
6/ Become a Premium Member.  It's literally only a pound a week. There is so much to be gained. Rhi's randoms are a fantastic inspiration in themselves.  Plus you get to win prizes and join in Q & A time. I also think if you have paid for something, you have more incentive to complete. And the Top Barn Team give so much time and effort into this Challenge.....They deserve a little dollar.
7/ Check out the Mini Challenges, even if you are 'just' doing Bronze and don't have to. Pick a few Challenges for something to work on.  I try and and do as many as possible.
8/ Make it a personal Challenge. Find something you want to achieve for yourself and focus on it. It can be anything, from better connection with your horse to jumping a 4ft X Country course. Everyone is on a different journey and there is no Judgement.
9/ Remember to record what you do and post each week. Fill in your hours and aims in the Diary, in spreadsheets, on the printable pages, or even on a scrap of paper. It helps The Top Barn team check, and more than this it gives you a record so you can look back and see how far you have come.
10/ ENJOY THE CHALLENGE!!!  Remember its just fun and motivation. Its not a Competition. If you cheat ( and I'm sure no-one would) you are just cheating yourself. If you fail, don't beat yourself up.  Just do your best, and ENJOY YOUR HORSE!

So I guess I have to add.....I am nothing to do with Top Barn.  I am just a happy member looking forward to the new Challenge.  
And HAPPY NEW YEAR to my readers x

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