Sunday 28 August 2022

And The Heat Goes On, And So Does Agility And So Does The Zombie Ragwort

 And so the Hot Weather has continued.  On and ON AND ON!!! Every day has been between 27c and 32c.   August has remained dry, apart from 15 minutes the other day, when we got highly excited. It came to nothing. We didn't even get wet. While other parts of Suffolk had downpours and even flooding, here on the East Coast it skirted round us. The fields are like The Sahara. We still have standing hay, but we have already moved onto The Winter Grazing. To eke out this poor sparse dried grass we are already feeding a hay supplement. And just to prove the weather hates us, the other day we had a freak whirlwind, which lifted up the hay and carried it off in great swirling tufts!! 

Summer is supposed to be an easy time for horse care.  This year is tough.  Not only are we having to put hay out, we are also feeding the Shetlands.  Yes WE ARE FEEDING THE SHETLANDS. We have a Track System crossed with Strip Grazing for the big ponies.  This means moving the Electric Fencing back every day.  The ground is like concrete.  Our most treasured tool is the mallet.  Jo and I are gaining large arm if anyone wants expert tent peg hammer inners.......

And then there is still the Ragwort problem.  The damn stuff is still growing!  So we are daily pulling new rosettes as well as uprooting the dead stuff.  And like a Zombie, its not really dead. Oh No!  It may look dead, all brown and wrinkled, BUT the dead leaves are still toxic.  As is the brown dead stalks. AND they still have little fluffy seeds drifting off at the slightest movement, to infest the entire country.  So every day, two crippled old ladies are sweating in the burning sun, hammering in posts, fighting with Zombie Ragwort and lugging hay around. Not to mention the daily poo-picking etc.  No wonder we both sleep every afternoon!!!

So we really need some help. Jo is awaiting a hip operation and everyone knows i have the Lung Capacity of a 90yr old. The panting and groaning sounds like a Sex Tape!  We are looking for the impossible......A fit person to help us 2 or 3 mornings a week. For no payment whatsoever!! Just fresh air and excercise, with a coffee thrown in!  I would offer riding lessons, but these may be few and far between as the two riding ponies have been lame due to the hard ground.  Of course Charlie is sound......if anyone wants to take their chances???

All this heat and flies have not stopped my Agility Obsession though. Having got a 3rd in the Liberty Competition and 1st in last months Starter Competition,  has only upped my competitive spirit.  Charlie is still super keen.  This month we have been working on The Summer Sports Competitions, and The monthly Liberty and On Line Competitions. We have also gained our Level 2 trainers certificate and will start Level 3 next month. I have even got the dog involved, although we are not ready to compete yet.

Next month we are also doing The Top Barn Last Horseman Standing Challenge. Next month I am hoping for some rain!  And cooler temperatures, Next month I would also like to get back to riding more. Check back next month to see if any of this happens!

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