Wednesday 8 June 2022

Top Barn Summer Challenge Continues and An Addiction To Agility

The Top Barn Summer Challenge Continues. Charlie and I have completed 3 stages. The 10,000 steps a day for 14 days - Done. Not without some sweat, but no tears. The 1000 minutes training over 21 days - Done.  It went to the wire, but we got there.  The 10 Challenges in a week was no problem, although I had to change what I had planned due to the Weather.  One of the Challenges was Bath Horse.  That's long overdue, but it just wasn't warm enough! When exactly is Summer starting this year????  I don't mean to be so British and continually bang on about the weather...But Really?  Its June, and I don't consider rain and wind and still wearing a Winter Fleece as 'Summer'.  I did manage the 'Sit in The Field with The Horses and Do Nothing'.  Harder than it sounds, but very interesting, just watching them graze.  The Alpha Mare, having initially stood near me, while falling asleep, then wouldn't let the others near. After about 40 very relaxing minutes it started to rain!

And so I am onto the 4th and Final Stage.....100 miles in 30 days! You have to laugh. I mean on a bad day I struggle to walk for a 100 inches without running out of breath!  I have bagged a couple of willing riders for Lulu, so I can ride Daisy and lead Charlie. He's been a star.  Due to the Holiday traffic I daren't go up the main road, so we have been going down the lane and through a busy campsite. It's been surprisingly uneventful, despite barking tents, flapping awnings, flags and banners everywhere, children playing on whirly-gigs, helpful neighbours on ride-on lawn mowers, people chain-sawing trees, loose dogs and some very surprising electric gates opening!  Charlie has taken it all in his stride.

Daisy had a Masterson Massage from the very talented Jade Monahan. She has been a different pony!  She was always quite strung out and prone to the odd trip. Now she is 'underneath herself', head up and has found power in her back end. She is picking up her feet, springing along and has found reverse gear, including up. Never spooky, she took a dislike to an overgrown Bridleway. She slams the brakes on. I say "Walk On", Charlie obliges, while Daisy goes into reverse, leaving my arms somewhat stretched. "Whoa" I say, Charlie halts. We reorganize ourselves. "Walk On" I say, with a couple of pony club kicks thrown in for good measure.  Charlie obliges, Daisy backs up, then gives a very balanced half rear. In the end I had to get off and lead them both in tandem!  Luckily Lu ridden by Debbie, quickly learned how to undo the gate. Next time out was smoother, mostly because the Bridleway is now a little trampled by us.

Anyhoo, despite this I have still only done about 7 miles so far!!!! The weather has conspired against us, and trying to find times when we are all free to go out is not easy.  So anyone else willing to join in my Challenge??? All you have to do is sit on a pretty palomino pony and lead the way, while I wrestle the other two into some sort of formation. 

And then there's the Agility Club!!!!  I was persuaded by my friend Amanda to join a Horse Agility Club. I'm hooked. We are working our way through Course Modules.  Having built the course, I have submitted a couple of videos and passed 3 sections. Charlie and i are loving it.  Its in-hand on a loose rope at the moment. At this rate I'll never be riding him! My last score for a 10 Obstacle Course was 99/100.  I only have one more Section to complete before I finish Module One. There is also world wide competitions if you become a Club Member.  So of course my competitive nature has sprung into action.....and I've joined the Club and am now looking at entering a competition!!!!

That may or may not be the Link to our entry if you are interested. Even if your not interested, I would appreciate it if you could subscribe to Charlies YouTube Channel......after all, we only need another 3961 subscribers before we can earn his treats!!!!!

BTW - If anyone is interested........I still have a lump on my eyebrow! Nearly a month after the head-butting incident!!

Catch up soon x

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