Monday 7 June 2021

SUMMER HAS ARRIVED!!!! And Trust Is a Two Way Thing.

 Yes you saw it here first (well actually you may have noticed), SUMMER IS HERE!!!! Finally the temperatures have soared into the 20's.  I have had my old fleece surgically removed from my body. I have cautiously cut a pair of jeans down (only to knee length, I mean I do not want to subject the world to my blue thighs yet). The boots are where they should be at this time of year, in the Boot cupboard, and the Crocs firmly glued on. I may even have a Watch mark appearing!

So after a trip to Papworth recently, I found out my Dodgy Lungs are ever more Dodgy, and my Dicky Ticker is very Dicky. I have agreed to have a Hickman Line fitted this Summer (now its finally arrived). Without going into boring details, a Hickman Line goes from the Heart, pops out of a hole in the Chest area, and attaches to a pump (worn in a fetching Bum-Bag at all times), which continuously pumps drugs in every 5 seconds.  Apparently this is not to be used for recreational drugs....Spoilsports!!!!  This means A) my Heart may cope a little better when its fitted, and B) I have to take it easy until then.

So with this in mind, I have abandoned trying to ride Charlie and resumed with Tricks, Trust and Connection. Charlie loves playing games and learning new tricks. He is curious with new things.  This is NOT because I have desensitised him by flooding. It's because he trusts me. There is a lot of talk in the Horse World about Desensitisation and 'Flooding' is often used. I.E Horse is frightened of the Hose? Hold him down and hose him, until he gives in!!  And there's a mind trick for you!!!! Trying to think of an example of 'Flooding' I came up with Hosing!!!!!! But this happens with anything...Saddles, Clippers, Traffic, Umbrellas, Noise, Dogs, etc etc.  The Horse has not 'got used to it', he cannot get away and has shut down in fear!!  For example if you are out on a Hack and your horse freezes at the sight of a cow? You shout at him, maybe take a whip to him? Eventually he passes the cow. But this has only added to his fear of cows!  Next cow he sees? Same scenario happens.  It is impossible to Desensitise your horse to every single thing.

But if your Horse trusts you its a different matter. Something scary? You gently say "Have a look, think about it. I'm Not Scared. Its Ok". It may take time, but if the Horse trusts you, he will eventually pass the scary cow/dog/giant green alien and Hey Presto....Nothing bad happened. The Horse trusted you, and you were right! Next time out...Cow? Scary? I don't think so.

So that's why i work at Liberty with Charlie. There is no reason for him to stay with me, when I introduce something new. But there is also no reason for him to run away. He trusts me. I do not chase him down, but stay put with whatever weird 'toy' I produce. I let him come to me. Last week I collected a Carrot Cannon from my friend Amanda.  It's genius! Two short pipes that swivel on a wooden frame. Treats go in one end, the Cannon is tilted up, and the Horse has to work out to push on the pipes to get the treat out.  When I first put it in the Field, there was snorting and spooking from both Lu and Charlie.  But when they realised I hadn't been eaten by the scary contraption, they both came over. Charlie approached first, but Lu figured out the connection quicker (It's a Girl Thing).


Don't forget, Trust is a Two-Way thing.  You cannot expect your Horse to trust you, if you do not trust him. I often work in bare feet with Charlie. I like being bare-footed!  It does not occur to me that he might stand on my feet, because I trust him not to. I like to lay down with the Herd. I trust they won't stand on me....because they don't. I used to ride back from the Pub in the dark on my old pony Paddy. Couldn't see a damn thing....But he could, so I trusted him to get me home.

Have a good Summer with your Horse. 

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