Monday 5 April 2021

BOOM! Top Barn 12 Week Challenge Completed! Now What?

 Whoop Whoop!!! Both Jo and I completed the Top Barn 12 Week Challenge.  I went to the Wire! Only completing my hours on the very last day.  But we did it!

Week 11.... Charlie started in Full Patchy Twat Mode.  Took him for a walk out in-hand down the lane.  This brave pony that doesn't mind me popping balloons in his face, took exception to daffodils, waving gracefully in the wind!! He planted more than a farmer in spring.

Funny how a 14hh pony can grow to 16hh in seconds!

On Day 4 I decided to go for some TRT methods of leading.....that was after I spent 15 minutes trying to catch him!! This used to happen every day, but since I began Clicker Training its a rare occurrence. A sure sign that he needs a break!  Come on Charlie.....Not now!

The following day Patchy Twat mode was disabled.  We had a pamper session, some TRT leading and RIDING!!! With Jo at his head (but not leading) we rode around the Round Pen several times, with Charlie looking like a Riding School Pony!!

We finished the week in High Winds with some tricks and a balloon popping video for Horse Tricks 101 Group. The wind carried off a few balloons!!!

Week 12 - At last the weather was OK.  I started off with some Clipper Training. Most pleased..... Managed to clip some feathers and Charlies withers!!!!! Big deal for a pony that took off at the sight of running clippers!!

So Day 2 - Jo and I thought we would film some Mini Challenges.  The In-hand stuff went well. And so to the Ridden Challenges.  As I had ridden Charlie all of 4 times (with Jo on foot), I naturally thought I could hop up and do some ridden challenges, while Jo was doing them on Lu.  Charlie said No Way, Too Fast, NOT Happening!!!! Having got up he planted.  I got him moving, then he planted again. Jo and Lu came to give him a lead, but the only thing that was working was reverse and spin. Like some sort of washing machine cycle.  He was as tense as a crossbow, shortened up ready to explode. I caught sight of his rolling eyes and decided to get off. The Old Me would have stayed on and got after him.  The Old Me nagging away says I was a coward! The Old Me would have sat the explosion.  But the New Me is Old, with Dodgy Lungs and a Dicky Ticker.  The New Me also realises that frightening Charlie is going back several months. He had reached Station Shut Down. I think I did the right thing.....At least the right thing for me and Charlie.

So my goal for The 12 Week Challenge was to be hacking out by the end.  The Final Hours of the Challenge were a Fizzle rather than a BANG.  We spent the final time doing old tricks, nothing too stressful for the Boy. BUT......We have achieved Riding and 2 goals if not completely, then we have made a good start.

So Whats Next??? Well Charlie has had the last week off. Typical English weather! Tuesday and Wednesday were 20c, T-Shirt weather, now its snowing again!! But on Wednesday, I had a lovely hack on Daisy, with Jo and Lu. Charlie and I have a new trick to learn, and I will continue to ride him, but slowly with Jo beside him, until he is OK with that. Repetition is everything with this pony!

This last weekend being Easter, and Charlottes last week with us (Charlotte has been doing her Duke Of Edinburgh award with us), we had an Easter Egg Hunt down the lane for our stoic Saturday Helpers. Easter eggs were found!

A Big Shout Out to our Saturday Helpers!

First up Neecy who has been with us since she was 13.  She is now 18, and could look after the ponies blindfold. She is indispensable and has a special relationship with Daisy.

And then there is Nancy, who is 8 years old and has been helping for the last 4 years,  She is happy to poo pick, dragging a heavy scoop to the trailer, and is much loved by Mini The Shitland.

Finally Thanks to Charlotte, (13) who has been doing her D of E with us and has worked her butt off every Saturday for the last 6 months despite the cold Winter. We will miss you!

Happy Easter...............See You all Soon.

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