Saturday 6 February 2021

Top Barn Challenge - Weeks 4 and 5 (The C word will be mentioned).

 So week 4 was good!!  Jo and I got creative building an obstacle course for the Mid Challenge Challenge.  We have to go over something, under something, round something and do a trick.  Now we haven't put our entries in our obstacle course cannot be revealed in full!!!  But lets just say....we raided the Pony Party Box!  We may have streamers, windmills, bells, guitars......and THAT HOOP!!!   We spent the week playing with our course.

THAT HOOP is entirely the fault of Amanda who is a friend from OOP North.  Amanda posted a video of a pony jumping through a hoop on a Trick Academy group we are both part of

So the jumping through a hoop challenge is on!!!  We made our hoop with plastic pipes and cones (oh and lots and lots of gaffer tape).  Its a work in progress!!

Towards the end of the week I got on Charlie.  He was pretty laid back.  2 days later I got on him again, and asked for a few steps.  Again pretty laid back.

in t

Week 5 has been a bit odd.  Last Sunday my Aunt died (which left me in a strange place mentally).  I pulled myself together and got on with stuff.  Charlie and I did some filming for a Valentine Video, played round the Obstacle Course and went on a walk together.  I meant to go down the lane, but The Patchy Twat was in full Patchy Twat Mode, spooking violently on the way out of the gate! We wandered round the 3 Acre until he had calmed down. 

 The sun was shining in the 12 Acre (which has been planted with trees and re-wilded). The temptation was too much.  In we went. We walked up to the first clearing, Charlie was on full alert.  We had a graze (well he did), and slowly came back again. Walking towards the sun was a nightmare. Cars in the distance were glinting and flashing, as was a stack of wrapped haylage (at least a mile away). Charlie grew to about 16hh. And snorted like a dragon.  After some reassurance, and head down tricks, he calmed down and we continued to the Gate (which I hadn't opened properly), which had a small horse size gap and a lot of rabbit wire stopping it swinging open. AND THEN I SAW THE MUNTJACK!  It was not going to move!  I saw it first and swore loudly....which alerted Charlie! Note to Self....Never react to anything scary first!  After a stand off with the diminutive Deer, Charlie and I edged to the gate, and kind of bolted through in tandem.

It was obviously one of those days when ordinary everyday ponies turn in to dragons.  As I went off happily to get my first Covid Jab, Jo went out for a hack round the Village on Lu. Lu had also turned into a fire-snorting dragon, and an hour hack took much longer, as Lu discovered napping.

I don't know why I was happy to get my Covid Jab. Well I guess I was feeling left out, as everyone I know has already had the first jab. And no-one had side effects!!  I guess my nasty lung/heart drugs reacted badly. By 4am I was shivering, aching, and freezing cold.  Then the Throwing Up started!! I eventually got some sleep, and forced myself up to the Yard, despite feeling like shit and having a mental heart rate. So that was another Challenge day wasted !!  

Today I felt better (although weak), and managed 45 minutes of something with Charlie. We started off OK, but he turned on Patchy Twat Mode again, and managed to nudge me so hard I fell over THAT HOOP......Onto the ground....In the Mud!!!!  Oh Well, as Scarlett O'Hara once said. "Tomorrow Is Another Day"