Sunday 20 September 2020

Still NO RAIN, Dog Attack and The Dance Video

 So just a quick catch up, as I promised myself I wouldn't leave it so long. 

We still have NO RAIN. NO SEPTEMBER FLUSH!  Its looking a lot like Burnt Grass Ranch again.  We are down to dust and sand very quickly with no re-growth.  So it's Hay all the way!  And some Grass Bricks from Feedmark.  A big brick, takes an hour to soak down, and everyone gets a little Timothy Grass each day. They are all enjoying it. We are hoping it will help little Coco put on a little weight. As a Shetland she is still on the lean side, and we want some fat on her before Winter.  At the moment, Winter is looking a long way off (its still hot! And Dry!), but i have a feeling it will come hard and sudden.  I mean, it's 2020, The Year Of Doom and Gloom so why wouldn't it be a long hard Winter???

Sand, Sand everywhere!!!!

So on Tuesday I had Charlie in the school to work on our dance moves. Freya was nearby in the truck. Caged in.  Charlie and I are having fun. Then I notice the Maligator has squeezed through the tiniest gap into the front of the truck. Before I could blink, she had dived through the window and was underneath Charlie.  I had to let him go, as he was scared.  Luckily Jo arrived at this point, and after a while (felt like hours) we had caught Freya, and Jo whisked her off to the tack-room.  

Thankfully Charlie was as calm as the Bull in the Money Calmm Ad, and we had a good session, working on The Tristan Tucker method of drawing the horse towards you....and the scary mounting block. Freya twisted her ankle (dog fetlock), or got a paw trod on. Not sure which, as there is no heat or swelling, but is definitely lame so has been on House Rest ever since, with a lead walk daily. NOT a happy Maligator!!!! This has given me time to work with Charlie on our dance routine.  I wanted a slick routine, with guitars and music to finish the 25 Things video series, but we are a way off that.  So I have put together the "how to" version instead and it's now live on YouTube.  Watch out for the finished slick version later!!

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