Sunday 5 July 2020

A New Addition, A Pony For Sale and A Massage

So first off let me introduce you to our new addition.  Coco the Miniature Shetland.  

Coco was rescued a year ago by some friends.  She had been starved!  A year on she is looking sooo much better, but was living with big horses and had a Shetlands habit of escaping.  We have always felt Mini would love to have a friend her own size (since losing Sweet Pea) so she has come to stay. Mini is thrilled and they have bonded already.  To facilitate this, we have kept them together, away from the others, in various pens, all over the yard, where they are acting as lawn mowers!! 

That leaves us with 7 ponies again.. And so Dora is now for sale.  We love Dora and she is a character, but she is wasted here.  
If anyone is interested.....Dora is an 11.2hh Welsh Sec A mare.   She is about 12/13 years old (haven't checked passport!!) and a fully registered and passported Sec A.  Again I do not have her papers in front of me, but she comes from a very respected stud in North Wales.  She has cracking paces, and a huge jump.  She is good to box, clip, trim etc and is good with the Farrier.  She has clearly been shown in the past, as is fine when being bathed, having her mane pulled and plaited etc. 
We used her for children's lessons (which we no longer do) and she was fine as a lead rein pony (although does not like being held on a tight lead), and brilliant with older kids who can ride.  She can be nappy, so not really first ridden, but would definitely excel as a Pony Club Pony with a confident rider. She is up to a little weight......I have ridden her with no protest, and I am nearly 9 stone with clothes on!!  I would ride her more often as she is great fun, but my long legs nearly reach the ground!
Dora currently lives out all year round, is barefoot and not rugged. She lives on fresh air and gets fat just looking at grass, but has never had laminitus.   In fact she has never needed the Vet for anything other than her jabs. (Frantically touching wood). 
We have also used her for pony parties, and she loves being fussed over and painted, and makes a great unicorn.  She is bright and has learned a few tricks, such as saying please for a polo and smiling. Dora would love to be owned by a little girl, who would love her, fuss her and do exciting things with her. Price is negotiable as Jo would rather she went to the right home.

Today Daisy had a massage from Jade Monahan, an Equine Massage Therapist. Daisy has always been crooked, and strung out.  I spent a whole summer schooling her to round up a little and push from behind, instead of dragging herself along from the front.  Although her way of going became better, she was never going to be a dressage pony!!  But she has always enjoyed hacking, so that's what we do. Daisy has had a hard time with her EMS as well, and has been lame more than she has been sound.  But with Jo's extensive knowledge of EMS, and the excellent foot care from Vince Buckman, plus our track system, we have managed to keep Daisy sound this Summer.  So we felt she deserved a massage.
Jade immediately noticed her uneven muscle build up, and the weird lumps in her neck. She thinks Daisy may have had a accident in the past which wrenched her neck.  That tallies with soooo many things about Daisy.  A few years ago we were having lessons off a guy, who thought Daisy may have been pulled over at the mounting block.  Daisy has always been nervous when mounted at the Block, and takes off immediately your foot is in the stirrup. She also plunges into canter, will not jump, and prefers to wander along with her head down.  For a long time now i have ridden her on a loose rein.  Any pressure on her mouth results in her tensing and pulling against the bit. So everything Jade discovered makes sense.
Jade worked with Daisy for a long time, in a quiet, calm manner, and heard Daisy when she said "Ouch".  Daisy was enchanted with her new friend, and totally relaxed.  Her bottom lip drooped, her eyes closed and when Jade released the tension she was holding in her muscles, she yawned profusely. 
Jade has just started her business in Equine Massage.  I thoroughly recommend her and we will be using her again.
Jade has a Facebook Page.....Jade Monahan Equine Massage Therapist, and her phone number is 07464 948381.

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