Friday 10 April 2020

Lockdown Continues - The Weirdest Spring Ever!!!

Wow..... So we continue into Lockdown Spring.  This has to be the Weirdest spring ever!!  Apart from the fact that if I catch this virus I will probably die, I am liking the slower pace of life. Fewer cars roar by the yard, everything is quieter and spring seems to be reveling in the stillness of the planet.

Those that are lucky enough to have their horses at home, or on private yards, at least have the pleasure of equine company, but with the BHS recommending not riding, may be at a loss of what to do with their horses. But this is a brilliant time to increase the bond. And also to get all those boring yard jobs done.... Anyone for rug cleaning? Fence Repairs? Washing all those dirty numnahs?

We have moved our herd onto the Hill Field and building a track system that is moving daily.  Not only are we restricting grass this way, but as each track section is extended, the ponies have further to walk for water. Daisy is now with Lily, Dora and Mini as they need less grass, and accept the fact they have to traverse a maze. They also have a hay container still, to supplement the rationed grass.

Charlie and Lu are not so compliant with this system.  Both are perfectly able to lift up fence posts and hop over the laid down fences to find new grazing. A couple of days ago we found them out in the main field looking as if they had been partying all night.  We brought them into the stalls in the Barn while we repaired the damage they had caused, only to have to wait at the water butts while they both drank for England.  It seems they couldn't possibly jump back over a clicking electric tape to get water, even though we reckoned they had been out at least 16 hours (based on droppings). So we spent a long, long, long time wrapping electrified wire around all the posts so they cannot grab them without getting a shock.  Their track system is slightly less meandering than the others, but they still have a trek to the Water Butts.

And so to that bonding I was talking about.  I have come up with 25 Things to do With Your Horse on the Ground and am frantically making short videos for You Tube.  Number 1 is simply Hanging Out.  Just spend time with your horse in the field.  Sit quietly and observe the herd dynamics. If your horse trusts you, you will be able to go and sit with him, while he is laying down.

Number 2 is a Breakfast Date with your pony.

Number 3 is all about Lunging.

Number 4 is about to be uploaded and covers "Join-Up", "Hook Up", "Bonder", "Follow Me" whatever you call it, its all the same.  In the next few days I will cover Beginning Clicker Training and Correct Leading. 
Please follow my YouTube Chanel for more videos. 

Stay safe.

P.s...... If you are suffering from Hay-fever, and you find sneezing in public causes mass panic, it's always nice to know your best friend is on hand with a hanky 😄

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