Monday 11 February 2019

Out Of Puff ,Solo Rakes and On-Line Showing?????

Just a quickie......
Welcome back to the weather Channel!!  After a very mild Winter, we finally got Snow....for a day.  But that was followed by Storm Eric. Three days of 20-30mph winds, gusting up to 50mph. Now my dodgy lungs and dicky ticker just cannot cope with wind.  It literally leaves me gasping for breath, so I had to take my Holiday Week in the Top Barn 12 week Challenge. Just in case you are slightly interested, today dawned calm and sunny, with a high of 9c!! Work with Charlie began again (well actually, we had a play, while i drunk my coffee).

And a sort of review.........Last year at a pop up tack shop at a show, I bought a SoloRake, made by SoloComb.  I always liked SoloCombs, so I thought the rake would help me with the thick dreads that is Charlies mane.  Having chopped it all off last Summer, to help him stay cool, it has grown again.  So last week I took to him with the SoloRake.  Maybe its only meant for coats??  The blade is good and strong, so I started raking his mane.  To my surprise, it broke.  The handle is made of plastic (a weak point), and i was literally left holding the handle, while the rake was in Charlies mane. I have emailed SoloComb, so watch this space for their reply.

Finally as part of the Top Barn 12 Week Challenge, I have entered an On-line show. I had never heard of On-line shows before..... Back in the day we took the horse to a show-ground, having got up at stupid-o-clock, to bath, plait etc. We then had to hope the bugger wouldn't get too excited, and behave itself!  Having spent all day in inevitable blazing heat, dressed up to the nines in thick woollen show jackets, we then spent 3 hours loading the bugger to come home (or was that only me?), with a sunburnt neck (from the hairnetted hair), to finally arrive home at midnight, then having to unload the lorry and bed the horse down before finally falling into bed clutching a 6th place rosette.

So, does anyone know of any good On-line showing sites?  The one i found had a class for the dirtiest pony!!!!!!  I entered this.....

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