Monday 12 November 2018

The Importance Of Plenty Of Feed! And a Natural Lifestyle.

Let me clarify that title....I DO NOT mean hard feed. In my humble opinion horses only need hard feed if they are being worked hard.  Hard meaning hunting, eventing, racing, pulling a coal wagon!! Or if they are elderly and struggle to keep the weight on.  Otherwise grass and enough hay works a treat for most leisure horses.  We use mineral blocks, which they all have a lick of when they need.  Our two EMS girls have a handful of chaff with Turmeric, Oil, Garlic, Chasteberry and a few other goodies, just to treat their condition.  I also like to give a small feed after they have been worked, as a reward. Sometimes its just a handful of carrots, or Chaff, Vitamins and Carrots!!  Mostly carrots!!

We also believe 100% in the horses living out in herds 24/7. This is their natural environment. Horses are prey animals, and in the wild they live in large herds for safety, with an Alpha Mare, who makes the decisions and a Stallion for protection. At the first sign of trouble they leg it. In this environment, they are able to act out on their natural instincts, and they are able to form their own hierarchy and feel calm and relaxed. It also helps the oldies if they are able to move around and not get stiff.

And so 3 weeks down the line Molly is a changed horse. She has totally relaxed with her little herd. They have 3 acres to run around in and seem to be finding enough grass to keep them happy. A minor miracle after that Summer, when all the grass burnt off. We thought it would never recover! On top of that we give them more than enough hay.  More than enough means there is hay left in the morning. With the knowledge the hay is not going to run out, Molly has totally relaxed and is happy to share the Hay Feeder with the others.  We also put out a few nets, low down in the trees and a little on the ground so everyone can find a peaceful space to munch in. 

On Sunday Ellie came up with most of her children and some others to boot.  Molly was extremely interested in what was going on and un-phased with the twins (who are not quite 2 years old) hugging her legs.  Lil was happy to be sat on, while Mini took exception to a twin lying on her back kicking his little wellington booted feet on her backside, and started to buck. Luckily she is well behaved when actually tacked up. Guess she feels apart from that her time is her own.  Mini has very strong opinions on what she is expected to do!

Meanwhile over at Holiday Heaven, the other 3 have taken the meaning roughed off to the extreme. Covered in mud they now actually look like pigs in shit! They really wouldn't care if they never saw us again....apart from moving the fence back so they can continue to stuff their faces!

Huge thanks to Clare, Ty, Shaneece, and Meg for helping out xx

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