Saturday 8 September 2018

Pony Party, Hole In Hoof and Exciting News

First up we had an End Of Holidays Pony Party on 28th August.  It was a little quieter, and a lot cooler than the last one!!!  Same sort of format as before.....Minus the cooling off under the sprinkler!  A friend of mine (Shona) turned up unexpectedly, with her son Ben, unaware of what she was walking into. Ben was more than happy to join in.
After grooming and tacking up, everyone went out for a hack, followed by a lesson.  Then it was Poo Picking time, and tractor driving. Its amazing how quick this daily job is using child labour ha ha.  After lunch we had Gymkhana games, followed by Sparkle Up a Pony.

Next day we took Polly a feed with half a Bute in, as she had been very enthusiastic during the Games.  She didn't seem as if she needed it, as she cavorted around the Paddock bucking.  Dora meanwhile looked as if she had measles.......

Meanwhile Lu looked unlevel.  Being a tough old bird, it could have been anything.  After a good foot scrub we found a hole in her foot, so called the Farrier.  After a poke around he found the hole was quite deep.  We had been poulticing it for several days until there was no gunk.  On the Farriers advice we have plugged the hole with cotton wool soaked in Stockholm Tar (which was fairly hard to find being quite an old fashioned remedy). Lu is such a good pony, she was quite happy to stand in a bucket of Iodine water. Top Tip......If your Horse is lame call the Farrier first!

Charlie is nearly ready to be ridden again.  I have been working on getting him to stand at the mounting block without moving since January, using Clicker Training. In the last two weeks I have been leaning over him and getting a leg over (Phnarff Phnaff). Today Sammi (who he is very taken with) leant over him, followed by Eli (who couldn't resist), who sat on him. No drama at all. We are nearly there.

WHW have approved our application for LIv/Lil so we are picking her up on Friday.  Very exciting!!! Watch this space for her arrival.

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