Tuesday 14 August 2018

It Finally Rained And The Search

So it finally rained in August!!  June and July were completely dry. Not a drop of wet stuff. Our grass became standing hay.  The ground was like concrete. The temperatures hit 32c . We almost became used to it. Almost..... We finally said those words "Its Too Hot" which we vowed not to utter in the extremes of the worst winter we have seen for 10 years. Truth is we don't do extremes in England.  A baking hot summer has been as trying as a freezing snowy winter.

So we haven't ridden. We have spent the heatwave working in the heat to keep the horses cool, fly free and fed (we have even had to feed hay!!) Its amazing how extreme heat saps you, as does extreme cold. The Ponies look amazing and have coped as well as they did in the snow. They were getting used to being hosed down. Lu even stood under a sprinkler.  And Charlie positively loves fly spray now, coming over to get it (and trying to eat it).

But at last we had blissful rain.....Oh how we loved getting soaked. Another short heatwave followed the rain, but the last week or so we have had a few cooler rainy days. The ground is softer, and greening up.  Theres hope yet.

Over the last couple of days we have moved the ponies to the Winter Grazing. Yes its very early, but we are hoping for September revival!!  We still have four acres of standing hay (which is getting greener).  Piggy has gone home as Mini seems to be recovered from the shock of losing her best friend and Piggy is prone to laminitus.  We loved having him.  Mega thanks to Sarah who owns him. 

So the search is on for another mothers dream on loan.  We decided against another Shetland, as Mini is actually doing a sterling job with the little kids.  Who knew??? After 15 years of being sweet on the ground, but unrideable she has finally grown up. With her buddy Sweet Pea she has always been L'Enfant Terrible.  But now she seems to accept she has to take up responsibility and its time to grow up, buy a semi, and play squash with Gerald on a Friday Night!

So we have decided to find another Polly instead.  Polly is actually enjoying her teaching and is full of life, but she is 26/7 so may want to share the burden. To this end we drove to Kings Lynn yesterday to look at a Dartmoor Hill Pony. Very sweet pony but only 6 and sadly already ruined by a child!!  Yes shocking, but this 12/13 year old girl was so rough with her, the pony was totally freaked out by having her bridle on. And wasn't good with the farrier, and didn't travel. And they had had her since a yearling. With the right handling this pony would have been perfect, but unfortunately the child had wreaked her.  The mum was lovely and kept telling her child to be gentle.  Too nice.  If it had been my child, it would have been banned from riding until it quietened down. Sorry Mum if you are reading this.....But you know your child is a brat.......Sort her out. Hopefully this sweet pony will find a home with children that love her.

Although we are set up to sort out problem ponies, in fact I relish it, what we are actually looking for ourselves is a mothers dream.  Good with children is essential, quiet, been there done it.  We have to have a mare because of Charlie. Must live out 24/7 although in my experience ponies thrive out 24/7 as its natural. We need a 12.2hh to 13hh for the older kids, preferably stocky so I can ride it out. The pony will have a 5 star home, in a natural herd, but in return must be willing to teach youngsters and put up with petting, grooming and glittering.

Thanks please share .
Ps.... I would love another Fell Pony although it would have to be a smaller one.

Fell pony (my Paddy)

Polly.. A Mothers Dream

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