Tuesday 12 June 2018

When Your Sweet Gelding Goes Stallion!

So basically Charlie is so laid back I always thought he should be called Dylan. He wanders about looking stoned most of the time.  His mares henpeck him.  He nonchalantly moves when they ask (glare at him). Occasionally when I am working him he has a colty tantrum, when he thinks he's had enough.....but generally he is a sweetie.

This morning first thing he was nuzzling me, lifting his nose for me to blow in his nostrils, blowing back and licking and nuzzling my face.  So we never thought he would be a problem when we let Dora in to his field. They all know each other.  If anything we thought Lu might object a bit, but after establishing she was boss, they would all settle down.

Thats how it started. They all had a little run, then settled to eating.  Dora was flirting with Charlie. While he was grazing, she was backing up to him, squirting and squeaking. Eventually they started a game of 'Chase Me'.  Charlie obliged, Dora squealed and bucked when he got too close......Just a flirt.  I thought they would end up loved up.

Oh how wrong I was. Charlie just flipped.  Suddenly he was chasing her with intent.  Trying to grab her neck and put her to the ground. I was screaming at him to stop, still thinking they would sort it....

Then Lu bustled over....Not to break it up, but to help Charlie.  Lu grabbed Dora,s back while Charlie had her neck in his mouth, on his knees trying to force her to the ground. When I heard a deep roar (like lots of traffic in a tunnel), I knew we were in trouble.  Jo and I both ran towards them, screaming like banshees. Thankfully Charlie and Lu let go and Dora ran for the gate. Running to her I assessed her bites....then saw Charlie creeping up like a panther.  That was it.  I opened the gate, not really caring where Dora went, as long as she escaped.

Luckily Dora has only grazes.  As she was neighing we returned Polly and the Shetlands to her, thinking she needed some girl time. Alas it seems she likes a bit of rough, and still continued to whicker and squeal towards Charlie.  

I think Jo and I were way more traumatised!!!!  We had to have a bit of rescue remedy.  Having edited the pictures down, I actually feel sick!  But here it is....Graphic Pictures!

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