Wednesday 13 December 2017

YES!!! It Snowed!!!

Ok it was for one day only.  And it was only a very light sprinkling. But in this part of the UK we haven't had proper snow for four years (Ok this wasn't proper, but it did lay).  I still have a child-like excitement on seeing a snow covering..... Which lasted about 5 minutes! That was about the time it took to realise the water pipes were frozen solid, as were our fingers after we had loaded the trailer with the first lot of hay!

We were also struggling with heavy wet rugs to be changed, picking out ice balls from the shod ponies feet, while contending with a freezing easterly wind that blew snow horizontally. It wasn't even proper big flakes but that very wet stuff, that can barely be described as snow. More like white rain.

Not to mention frozen droppings!

We moved the fence out to reveal longer grass.  The sensible mares, huddled around the Hay, backs to the wind.  Not Charlie....Being 'well ard', he faced the white-out and ate grass!

Yesterday was better.....Still a pretty covering on the ground, but the wind dropped and the sun came out.  Having 'stabled' the hose-pipes overnight we had water. At only 2c it wasn't tropical but the sun was warming and the photo opportunities were good.

Today.....Temperature rose to 6c we are back to rain and mud!!

There's nothing quite like a bright chestnut, a little snow and sunlight for a photo.

Dora looks like the Virgin Mary in her blue neck cover (HAHA)

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