Tuesday 24 October 2017

Lunging As A Workout For The Handler

Take one young under-worked, not quite broken, still coltish pony, Add one aging, unfit owner with 'dodgy lungs and a dicky ticker.' Attempt to lunge. Result? A great workout for said owner!!!
Yes Charlie has gone a bit feral again. As I have started a drug trial for the above mentioned 'dodgy lungs and dicky ticker', and am up and down to Papworth like a whores....ahem, Charlie has been having a (much needed LOL) break.

Time to start working the boy. When I am poo picking etc, he is as friendly as.. Lots of cuddling, nose blowing, affection, scratching etc (from both of us). However, a day being a jump judge at an Eventer Trial recently, has spurred me on to get the boy ridden.  I have to just say here.....The standard of riding at the 80cm was appalling. Riders shouting at their horses, whipping them, cussing them, when 99% of the time the horse stopped because the rider asked them to, or didn't help. Seriously?  Sort yourselves out before you start blaming the horse!!

Anyway......I had serious rider envy.(Not the BAD riders)  I Soo want to jump x country again. It was always my favourite. So with a new determination, I WILL get himself ridden. 

So back to basics.....Step One.  Lunge until he understands....I make the rules up!  He does as I ask. Today was Day One (again).  He bucked, plunged and reared. He came in at me.  His eyes rolled with mischief. I am sure I used more energy hanging on, and keeping him out on a circle than he did. Eventually we had a few nice circles.  Time to stop and feed him.

With his ever thickening winter coat, he was sweated up.  Mild day. Hose down. Oh Yeah?  More rearing, spinning and charging.  Once I had the hose on his sweaty chest and neck, and flanks, and belly, he stopped and seemed to enjoy it.  Result?  One exhausted, aging, unfit owner!!

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