Wednesday 19 April 2017

A Few Steps Back and Spare Legs

So after Charlies' awesome behaviour its inevitable that we have gone backwards again. I mean if it were all smooth sailing it just wouldn't be Charlie!
On Good Friday we had Meg to ride Daisy. We got all the ponies ready and with Jo at Charlies' head I mounted......Nothing. Cool, relaxed, solid.  I got off. I got on again. Suddenly Wham, spun round and started bucking. While Jo held on, I again thought I could sit it. We all felt the big one building up and Jo shouted "Get Off". I just swung my leg over as the explosion happened. Rather ungraceful dismount which saw me land at Charlies' feet (AGAIN). I spent the next 5 minutes laying over his back and rubbing his off side belly....while he panicked. He really does panic. Its not naughtiness.
Anyway we all set off on a hack with me leading Charlie.  Halfway I turned back and made my way home. Charlie threw a 3 year old colt tantrum. Boy did he throw his toys out of the pram!  Rearing, snorting, spinning, hummpphing! Is that even a word? You know the noise they make when angry. We made it back!

Having read a million forems and watched a load of videos on you tube of horses quietly being backed i have decided he is just not ready. So yesterday i brought him in alone.....That in itself caused tantrums. Striking out with his foreleg and rearing. I just stood back and waited until he was quiet. Tacked up with the Western saddle and 2 bags of soil hanging off the horn, we had a lunge.  Charlie took off bucking, and the carrier bags broke!!

Remembered my dim and distant past of backing a pony as a child that had been ridden by a straw man. Went home and made a "pair of legs".  Brought Himself in today.....Quiet.  Tacked up in English saddle. Quiet. Plonked on 'spare legs'.  Quiet.  Longreined. Quiet.....Despite the half dummy being a bad rider. She kept losing a stirrup and the boot banged against Charlies' front leg. NO REACTION!!! Will keep adding weight to my 'spare legs' and maybe a body.....or I could lose 4 stone!!! Any ideas ??????

"I'm Bored"

Spare Legs

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