Thursday 11 May 2023

Has Anyone seen an Orange Police Car/ Butterfly/ Eddie Stobart Lorry?

 So has anyone actually spotted an Eddie Stobart lorry, maybe with the letter R in its reg, driving past a Mountain? Did you then freeze time, get a quick pic with you and your horse in view?  Or maybe you have been chasing butterflies? If you know, you know.  Yep Top Barn Treasure Hunt Mania has taken over.  Oh its such fun.  

I have read posts of people getting up at Stupid O Clock and getting pics of the Sunrise.  I haven't bothered setting my alarm.....Here in 'Sunny Suffolk' its been raining. Or throwing a Storm.....or showering!  Granted it's warmed up. Now we have 15C rain. 

However, despite the Driveway still being up (we have been driving over the bank of the now destroyed Hill Field to get in), Charlie and I have found our 10 required treasures. 

We are now searching for another 10 (some tongue in cheek).......

If nothing else, I am noticing things when I'm not with Charlie......Oh yes there's an orange car!  A Phone-box, next to a post box, near a derelict building!!  Woohoo!  Oh It's too far to walk!!!! Anyone else having these moments of madness??? 

Of course we still have the 25 miles to clock up.  As I write (Week 2) we have about ish to go!!!!  Hopefully next week we can get out for a few short walks down the lane to find a Pond, a Tunnel (of trees) and a Thatched Roof.

In other news......with all the rain we've had (did I mention it's been raining alot?), the grass is growing like a mushroom on steroids.  So the Laminitics are still in their small-ish bare pen scoffing hay and Simple Systems and are sound and happy.  Coco seems very happy in her own track system.  Lu and Charlie have sussed out their ever growing track system and are getting plenty of exercise charging from new grass, back to their water, hay and mates. I wonder how complicated I can make it?

Charlie won both his classes last month in the International Horse Agility Club competitions, despite my poor attempts at being the new Becks in ball control. So as promised to him, I bought him a new Head collar/Bridle from Horse Leads. Check them out

In this months Agility class i needed something for Charlie to put a foot up on.  A long time ago I filled in a Tyre with sand as a Pedestal.  Obvs it's a permanent feature in the 'School' right next to the Scary Corner (basically a dumping ground for bins, wheel barrows, old road signs) which is also permanent (due to the fact that I'm too lazy to move all the flags and other crap).  This month the Pedestal is at the opposite end to the Scary Corner!!  So it was out with the tool belt (well a drill/screwdriver and a saw), to make a Pedestal from an unused jump filler.  I am certainly not a carpenter.....measure nothing, saw and hope for the best! Of course I videoed it!  And put it on YouTube!!! For some reason over 400 people have viewed it!?!?  You too can watch this incredible piece of craftsmanship......   PS. Please Subscribe to our channel.....It costs you nothing and you don't even have to watch it...but Charlie would love it if you did

Aswell as the Treasure Hunt and The Agility Practice,  Charlie and I have been working our way through Connection Training.  I highly recommend it.  I am learning so much and following the course on Backing to the letter now.  I may have been going too fast as usual!!  So we are working on Short-reining. And I was doing Yoga at 7am this morning! All in the Course!

With all this going on I feel we are neglecting our Trick Training. Which is fun. And the basis of all I do with Charlie.  So I pledge here to dedicate more time to learning a new trick (I have so many in my head).  So next time I promise to have a new trick in the bag.  In the meantime, with the Coronation here in Britain of King Charles 3rd, I had a little fun Coranating (a new word....What actually is the real term?) My Prince Charlie!

See you all chasing Butterflies.......