Wednesday 1 February 2017

When The Wheel Falls Off and Western Tack

Since the snow that never happened it has been COLD.  Yes thats COLD in capitals. The water pipes completely froze, leaving us lugging water containers from the Tack Room. And just when we need the tractor and trailer....the wheel fell off the trailer! One minute I was trundling minute I wasn't.  
Course the trailer was full off poo. Try as we might we couldn't lift or remove the trailer so we had to shovel the poo out where it was. Turns out the split pin had jumped off the wheel. Yes, you couldn't make it up.  Using the metal detector the next day failed to find it. Scrabbling around in the poo we had dumped (Phnaff Phnaff) did. So no harm done, except we had a pile of poo to shovel up and then off load at the muck heap, making it 4 times we had handled it.

Having been coveting a western saddle kit for Charlie for months, I finally got it. Very cheap, but it came as, saddle,bridle,cinches, and blanket. Today was the day to try it on him. To be fair he has been very hormonal the last few days, trying to mount Daisy at every opportunity. So he needed a distraction. A bit full on after months chilling in the fields and growing. He took it all in his stride, despite Mummy not knowing how to cinch it up properly, and the rain pouring down. Once in the "Arena", he had forgotten lunging basics, preferring to come in to me.  So I let him loose and picked up a whip.  Sending him away sent him into a temper tantrum......bucking, squealing, generally being a boy! Eventually he settled and worked a little. Time to start regular work methinks.