Thursday 6 October 2016

Cat On Hot Bricks and Shetland Love-Ins

Wow its been a busy couple of weeks.  We are constantly fencing, so the horses have old grass, and we save pasture for new grass to grow.  The Indian Summer finished with 30c at the end of September, to a mere 14c for a more autumnal feel.  Goodbye flip-flops and shorts (and tan), hello hoodies and boots. Better for working the horses though.  I have set up another school and Charlie has been learning to jump on the lunge.  He has been working out where to put his feet.
Daisy has been like a cat on hot bricks.  It may be the extra sugar in the grass, or the fact her feet don't hurt, or an Easterly wind up her tail. Whatever, we have been hacking out alot, and she has taken to jogging everywhere, tossing her head, and plunging. Lu in comparison has been very good.

I have started teaching at the RDA and loved every minute of it. One of my clients from the mid nineties came in, gave me a big hug, and a photo of her sitting on my Paddy, with me beside her.  I almost cried. Another client remembered me. Theres nothing like it for a feel good factor. So if anyone reading this lives near Sutton, Woodbridge, and can spare a couple of hours Friday morning, please come along.  There is coffee, biscuits and a lot of smiles.

For another smile factor, just spend time in the field with your horses. The other day, while waiting for the water to fill up in the Shetlands field, I lay down in the sun. Straight away they both came over and started licking my knees and belly and leaning down to blow with there nostrils.  If I scratch there bellys, they try to groom me back, nibbling my hair.  Charlie wandered over in the adjoining field and flicked water all over me with his nose....The more I laughed the more he did it. He also loves a belly scratch, and lifts his head up like a giraffe.